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These 6 Dental Procedures are VERY Common – so don’t fear them!

Posts Tagged ‘ Stafford dentist ’

These 6 Dental Procedures are VERY Common – so don’t fear them!

Posted on: April 25th, 2019 by admin

Over the years, your Barnegat dentist has done and seen it all. You name the procedure and they have probably done it. There are, however, a few that stand out as far more common than others. Here are the 6 procedures we find ourselves doing more than any other:

1) Fillings

One of the most common dental procedures is also one of the easiest: getting fillings. This is nothing more than using restorative materials to repair damage to your teeth, usually cavities. In addition to filling holes left by tooth decay, aka cavities, these materials might be used to repair chipping, cracks, and other tooth damage. The resins used are colored to match your teeth, giving you a natural look that blends in seamlessly with your existing teeth.

2) Caps or Crowns

Dental crowns or caps are covers usually made of porcelain that go over or around existing teeth. These procedures are usually performed to help repair the appearance of broken or cracked teeth. These crowns not only improve the appearance of teeth that have been chipped in accidents and other events, they also help strengthen what is left of the teeth.


3) Tooth Whitening

More common than ever these days, the professional tooth whitening offered by your dentist in Ocean County is a cut about over-the-counter solutions. Using one of several types of treatments, your teeth can be whitened by several shades, reversing the damage done by years of coffee drinking, juice, smoking, and other ways to stain your teeth. Even better? The procedure is fast, easy and affordable.

4) Bridges and Implants

When teeth are missing or removed, it’s usually a good idea to replace them in some way. This is not just for the sake of appearance, but to protect your gums and to make eating easier. One of the most common ways of doing this is with a bridge, sometimes called dentures. These are false teeth with crowns used to fill in gaps in your mouth. Another is through the use of implants, metal posts that are placed in your mouth to serve as anchors for false teeth. In both cases, technology used by dentists near Manahawkin has come so far that you’ll never notice the difference.

5) Root Canals

Also known as Endodontics, root canals are a procedure often talked about with fear, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Modern advances in how these procedures are done have made them far less uncomfortable than in the past. Root canals are the removal of the pulpy, thread-like tissue in the center of the tooth. This is done when decay had advanced far enough so that it might cause infection inside the tooth. Root canals can save teeth from being extracted, but more importantly, they can prevent the formation of abscesses, buildups of pus that can destroy tissue and cause extreme pain – and sometimes worse.

6) Extractions

This one is pretty self-explanatory. An extraction is when a tooth is removed. These procedures may be done for a myriad of reasons, whether the tooth is damaged, decay has progressed too far, unwanted extra teeth are coming in, and more. In most cases, extractions are relatively easy procedures that any experienced dentist near Forked River can perform.

25 Incredible Trivia Facts About Teeth!

Posted on: November 21st, 2018 by admin No Comments

Dentists see teeth every day. They work with them every day. They know them inside and out.   Despite all this up close and personal experience, teeth never cease to amaze the people in your Ocean County dental office. We bet you’ll be amazed as well when you read some of these amazing facts about your pearly white teeth:

  1. Babies only have about 20 teeth. Once you grow into an adult, you get your full set of 32 teeth.
  2. Surveys suggest that 50% of folks say that a person’s smile is the first thing they notice.
  3. The hardest part of your body is in your mouth – your tooth enamel!
  4. The amount of saliva you produce over the course of your lifetime is enough to fill two entire swimming pools!
  5. Mosquitoes may seem to “bite,” and in fact they do have teeth! They have about 47 in all.
  6. You can extend the life of a tooth that gets knocked out by putting it in milk or placing it temporarily in your mouth. Keep that in mind if you have to take an emergency trip to your Ocean County dentist!
  7. When you skip flossing, you fail to clean up to 35% of your tooth surface area.
  8. Humans beings will get two sets of teeth during their lifetime. By comparison, sharks will get about 40!
  9. Every single year, students in America lose 51 million hours of class time due to dental-related maladies.
  10. Consumers in America buy about 14 million gallons of toothpaste every single year.
  11. If you think kids eat more candy than adults, you’d better think again. The truth is, adults consume about 65% of all the candy made in the United States
  12. Over the course of your lifetime, you are likely to spend about 38 days brushing your teeth.
  13. Snails have about 25 teeth in the weirdest place: on their tongue.
  14. The most common childhood disease is one your dentist knows too well: tooth decay.
  15. You can reduce your chance of tooth decay by 25% by brushing daily.
  16. About 80% of dental injuries sustained by children in the United States happen to their front teeth.
  17. A tooth that gets knocked out has to be treated fast: it will start to die within 15 minutes.
  18. Your tongue prints are unique! No two are alike.
  19. People used to use charcoal ashes, lemon juice, chalk, and other odd stuff to brush their teeth.
  20. So-called “milk teeth” start to form while the baby is still in the womb, but they don’t actually show up until a child is six months to a year old.
  21. Modern toothpaste is a fairly new thing: it has only been around for about 100 years.
  22. George Washington only had one real tooth at the time of his inauguration!
  23. About 25% of kids won’t have seen a dentist near Manahawkin before they reach kindergarten. Parents, do something about that!
  24. Your teeth – or at the least the parts you can see – are only part of your dental health concerns, because about one third of your teeth are actually located underneath your gums.
  25. If you added up all the people on Earth right now, it wouldn’t tally up to the number of bacteria in your mouth RIGHT NOW!

Pretty amazing stuff, huh? It’s easy to see why your pearly whites are so fascinating. They are far more interesting than people realize!