When we recently donated bags of goodies and dental care products to the Ocean County Vocational Technical Schools (OCVTS), which in turn donated them to children at Noah’s Ark Preschool, it wasn’t something we did out of the blue. It was maintaining a tradition we’ve kept up for several years now.
When these kids smile, WE smile.

When we held a donation drive for Popcorn Park Zoo last autumn, gathering scores of goods to help them continue their mission of rescuing animals — cleaning supplies, dog and cat food, toys for the animals, and much more – it was much the same thing. It wasn’t a one-time thing for us. It was another in a series of donation drives and fundraisers we’ve held for Popcorn Park.
We love animals here, so for us, helping them help animals is a no-brainer.
The reason for all this is pretty simple: We’re not just a dentist office in Ocean County. We don’t just work here. We live here, too. We’re part of the community.
Our doctors fish in these waters. We stroll these beaches. We eat at the local restaurants. Our children go to school here, our friends are here, our lives are here.
That means we take our community seriously. We want it to be a better place. Giving you a beautiful smile is ostensibly why our office is here, yes — we are a dental office serving Barnegat, Forked River, Manahawkin, and all of Southern Ocean County, after all — but we’re also here because we’ve built our lives here, just like you.
And for us, that means it’s important for us to give back.
After all, the community has supported us for some 35 years. The least we can do is return the favor.
If you’d like to know more about our efforts to give back to the community, don’t hesitate to find us on Facebook or call us at 609-698-1155.