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These Are The BEST Reasons To Take Care Of Your Teeth

Posts Tagged ‘ dentist office ’

These Are The BEST Reasons To Take Care Of Your Teeth

Posted on: October 28th, 2020 by admin

The health of your mouth is important – probably more important than you realize. Good habits can improve your oral health, and can also improve your overall health as well. The bottom line is simple: visiting your dentist serving Manahawkin is a big deal to your overall well being!

In fact, there is strong scientific evidence that your oral health can have a direct role in the health of your entire body. It’s true! Read the following and you’ll see how.

Your Habits When It Comes To Oral Health Can Affect Your Weight

It’s a scientifically proven fact: a good oral hygiene routine can have an impact on your weight. It’s true! You see, brushing your teeth signals your brain that you are finished eating. Try it yourself and see what happens. Your will have a suppressed appetite. In other words, break out that tooth brush! The folks at your dentist office near Manahawkin will be glad about it, too.

You’ll Look Better Than Ever

If we’re honest with ourselves, we all want to look as good as we can. Your mouth is an important part of that, since your eyes and smile are the first two things people notice.  So with that in mind, good oral hygiene is not just important for your health, it helps you look and feel better than ever. A bright smile can boost your confidence, and that is priceless.

Oral Infections Often Spread

When you have gum disease it can lead to oral infections, and those infections can spread to other parts of your body. They can worsen digestive issues, spread to the heart and result in bacterial endocarditis, and more. This is why some diseases can be diagnosed by symptoms in your mouth. Some of them include heart disease, diabetes, leukemia, and kidney disease.

The Link between Gum Disease And Diabetes

Your dentist serving Manahawkin knows that people suffering from diabetes are more prone to gum disease. We also now know that the link may go in the other direction. In other words, gum disease may contribute to diabetes by impacting blood glucose control. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, the bacteria associated with gum disease produces toxins that can increase insulin resistance and, as a result, blood glucose levels.

Bad Oral Health Can Affect Your Pregnancy

Pregnant women already know they’re eating for two. What they might not know is that bad oral health can affect their baby. Doctors have linked periodontitis to low birth weight and premature birth. Good reason to maintain a healthy mouth!

What all this means is simple: it’s a good idea to take good care of your mouth, because it can have a major impact on your overall health! Ask your dentists near Manahawkin for more information on how your healthy and oral hygiene are linked so you can learn how good habits can benefit you.

In the meantime, happy brushing, eat the right foods, and of course, don’t forget to floss! That will get you off to a great start!

Fear of the Dentist: Some Simple Ways to Conquer Your Fear

Posted on: July 24th, 2019 by admin

A lot of you are scared of going to your dental office near Manahawkin. We understand. We’re not insulted. That is actually a common feeling that is not all that unusual to hear about.

Are you among those people who are afraid to go to the dentist? If so, you probably share one of these common reasons expressed by others who have the same fears:

  • You’re afraid of pain
  • You’re afraid of getting bad news
  • You have memories of a bad experience
  • You are afraid of being scolded for not taking care of your teeth
  • You have general anxiety

These are the most common reasons mentioned by those who are afraid of going to the dentist near Manahawkin. The good news is, though these reasons may be commonplace, they are relatively easy to overcome. Consider these facts:

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/men-s-gray-crew-neck-shirt-160914/


You’re Afraid of Pain

The fact of the matter is, these days your visit your dentist is almost certain to be pain free. Modern dental technology and the techniques they use have improved by leaps and bounds when compared to the old days. Dental office procedures these days are now easier and more painless than ever before.

You’re afraid to Get Bad News

Many people avoid going to the dentist because they don’t want to learn that they might need to get major work done. The reality of the situation, though, is that if you have taken care of your mouth in the way you should, it’s highly unlikely you’ll get the bad news you are fearing. If you DO happen to get bad news, don’t worry. You shouldn’t see it as bad. It’s the opposite! Catching a problem early when there is still a chance to fix it is great news!

You Have Memories of a Bad Experience

You might have been scared at the dentist when you were a child, but let’s be honest, kids are scared of many things they don’t need to be scared of. You’re an adult now, older, wiser, and smarter.

You’re Afraid of Being Scolded

This one is more common than you might think. People just don’t like to be told they’ve been doing something wrong or not doing it well! Just remember that if your dentist has input for you about your oral health habits, it’s for a good reason. Your dentist is there to look out for you! Also keep in mind that what they point out to you now can mean avoiding more dental treatments in the future.

You Have General Anxiety

If you have general anxiety about doctor visits, or just anxiety in general then your fear of the dentist may be a manifestation of that. Look for ways to cope that have worked best for you in other aspects of life so that when you do visit your dentist you can tell them about your anxiety and they can help you through it. Your dentist will be happy to do everything possible to make the experience more pleasant for you.

Most of all, the important thing to remember is that your dentist is there to help you lead a healthier, happier life. That’s his or her job.

So the next time you get a knot in your stomach when you have a trip to the dentist coming up, think about the above and let that knot unravel!

5 Things To Keep in Mind When Choosing A Toothpaste

Posted on: July 3rd, 2019 by admin

We hope you’re using your toothpaste twice a day like you’re supposed to!  But remember, your dentist near Forked River will tell you it’s not just enough to brush. You have to choose the right type of toothpaste, too.

And yes, it is possible to select the wrong type of toothpaste. Not all toothpastes are created alike. These days there are a great many varieties of toothpastes which are designed to address a wide variety of dental needs. Knowing which is the best for your family is a basic part of making good healthcare decisions.

Thankfully, we’re here to help. Follow these five toothpaste tips and you’ll make the right choice every time:

1) Choose A Toothpaste With Fluoride

This one is probably obvious, but is worth including anyway: you want to choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride is one of the most vital ways in which brushing can help you battle cavities. And believe us, you are mistaken if you think that all toothpaste contains fluoride. There are many “natural” toothpaste brands that boast about being fluoride free. They may be good choices for children under six, but for adults, a fluoride toothpaste is recommended by your dental office near Forked River.

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/clean-mouth-teeth-dentist-40798/

2) Do You Need a Whitening Toothpaste?

When you scour the store shelves, it’s not unusual to see a large number of whitening toothpastes. As a general rule, these are fine options that in some cases may help slow down the staining from day-to-day habits like coffee drinking. In some extreme cases, these toothpastes may even be able to lighten your teeth by up to a shade (though keep in mind that results that good from whitening toothpastes alone are quite rare). That said, if you have sensitive teeth you should AVOID whitening toothpastes. These varieties often contain chemicals that can worsen your sensitivity, so keep that in mind when choosing your brand.

3) Who Will Be Using It?

By now you should realize that not all toothpastes are created alike thanks to common wisdom. The truth is, there are toothpastes designed for adults, some designed for children, and even some that should NOT be used by children. Be sure to read labels carefully so you have a strong understanding of who in your family should and should not be using the brand you purchase. Remember that toothpaste you chose may not be suitable for the whole family!

4) Check for The ADA Approval Logo

The American Dental Association puts its seal of acceptance onto toothpaste brands that are proven to be safe, effective, and part of a good routine of oral care. No matter the brand of toothpaste you choose, whether it be whitening, all natural, baking soda, etc., be sure it has the seal of approval by the ADA. That will give you peace of mind and let you know the toothpaste brand you chose is right for your teeth.

5) Inform Your Dentist About Any Chronic Dental Problems

It’s always a good idea to tell your dentist near Forked River if you are experiencing chronic tooth problems. These can include pain, temperature sensitivity, and more. Even if the problem is a minor one, your dentist may be able to recommend a type of toothpaste designed to assist with your issue. There are desensitizing toothpastes made for those with sensitive teeth, for example, and others.

So you lost a tooth. What do you do next?

Posted on: June 26th, 2019 by admin

If a child loses a tooth you figure it will grow back. The game changes when it is an adult. Adults mostly lose teeth through sporting accidents. Whether it is roughhousing, tackling or tumbling, without a mouth guard, anyone could quickly lose a tooth due to an accidental jaw hit.

An adult could also lose a tooth following trauma. You could even trip or be involved in a car accident and end up losing a tooth or two. Regardless, always address a loose tooth head on. As soon as it happens, visit a dentist and consider immediate dentures.

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-chimpanzee-smiling-50582/

While accidents are well outside your control, there is one aspect that you can take care of to make sure that you keep all your teeth – oral hygiene. An adult could lose a tooth to oral infections or root decay. It is proper to schedule frequent visits to a dentist in Ocean County even when everything is alright.

Having said that, what do you do if you lose a tooth? Fortunately, some practices can help make that smile as good as new. Take the following measures as soon as you drop the tooth:


Recover the tooth

If your tooth is avulsed, it is crucial that you handle it with care. Do not grab it by the root; otherwise, you damage it further. This could make it impossible for the dentist to repair it. As soon as you recover the tooth, rinse it in a water bowl and preserve it in saliva, a sterile salt solution or a bowl of milk. Be careful not to wipe or scrub the tooth.

Reinsert tooth into the socket

Often the solutions that seem most straightforward work. One such case is putting your tooth back; that way, the root remains protected until you see a dentist. Hold the tooth in place using  medical gauze or a tea bag but do not force the tooth if it does not fit.

Visit a dentist

Reinserting the tooth is only a temporary solution. The sooner you seek medical attention, the better your chances of having the tooth restored. Remember that when you lose a tooth, you lose bone mass as well. Your body begins to remove the bone in your jaw where the tooth’s anchor lay.

In fact, you lose up to 40% of bone mass in the first two months of a missing tooth. No wonder, the shape of your face begins to change. Once at the local dentist office, you have some options:

How a dentist can help you

At the clinic, the dentist will first establish whether the tooth can be reattached. If it can, that will be the first option they will advise. In most cases, however, seeing as many people lack the know-how for when they lose a tooth, by the time they come to the dentist, reattaching the tooth is not an option.

In such a case, the dentist might recommend immediate dentures. Partial dentures will help to improve your smile and more importantly, to prevent bone loss. As a thing to note, you do not need to have all your teeth missing to wear dentures. They can be fixed to replace just the tooth that is missing.

The dentist might also recommend dental implants. The implants are placed in the missing tooth space to stimulate the growth of bones to keep you looking the same. While the immediate danger might seem past, failing to get immediate dentures can have severe long-term effects. Contact your dentist in Ocean County for more information on partial dentures.

Good Reasons To Take Care Of Your Mouth

Posted on: October 30th, 2018 by admin No Comments

The health of your mouth is important – probably more important than you realize. Good habits can improve your oral health, and can also improve your overall health as well. The bottom line is simple: visiting your Manahawkin dentist is a big deal to your overall well being!

In fact, there is strong scientific evidence that your oral health can have a direct role in the health of your entire body. It’s true! Read the following and you’ll see how.

Your Habits When It Comes To Oral Health Can Affect Your Weight

It’s a scientifically proven fact: a good oral hygiene routine can have an impact on your weight. It’s true! You see, brushing your teeth signals your brain that you are finished eating. Try it yourself and see what happens. Your will have a suppressed appetite. In other words, break out that tooth brush! The folks at your Manahawkin dentist office will be glad about it, too.

You’ll Look Better Than Ever

If we’re honest with ourselves, we all want to look as good as we can. Your mouth is an important part of that, since your eyes and smile are the first two things people notice.  So with that in mind, good oral hygiene is not just important for your health, it helps you look and feel better than ever. A bright smile can boost your confidence, and that is priceless.

Oral Infections Often Spread

When you have gum disease it can lead to oral infections, and those infections can spread to other parts of your body. They can worsen digestive issues, spread to the heart and result in bacterial endocarditis, and more. This is why some diseases can be diagnosed by symptoms in your mouth. Some of them include heart disease, diabetes, leukemia, and kidney disease.

The Link between Gum Disease And Diabetes

Your Manahawkin dentist knows that people suffering from diabetes are more prone to gum disease. We also now know that the link may go in the other direction. In other words, gum disease may contribute to diabetes by impacting blood glucose control. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, the bacteria associated with gum disease produces toxins that can increase insulin resistance and, as a result, blood glucose levels.

Bad Oral Health Can Affect Your Pregnancy

Pregnant women already know they’re eating for two. What they might not know is that bad oral health can affect their baby. Doctors have linked periodontitis to low birth weight and premature birth. Good reason to maintain a healthy mouth!

What all this means is simple: it’s a good idea to take good care of your mouth, because it can have a major impact on your overall health! Ask your Manahawkin dentists for more information on how your healthy and oral hygiene are linked so you can learn how good habits can benefit you.

In the meantime, happy brushing, eat the right foods, and of course, don’t forget to floss! That will get you off to a great start!