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5 times you need to see a dentist ASAP

Posts Tagged ‘ dentist in lacey ’

5 times you need to see a dentist ASAP

Posted on: January 31st, 2024 by admin

If you’re like most people, you’ll invent a host of reasons to avoid seeing your dentist. Don’t worry, we’re not insulted. We’re used to it by now!

But the fact of the matter is, if you begin to experience one of these five conditions, you really need to see your Barnegat dentist as soon as possible. It may help you avoid a lot of misery down the road!


A toothache is nothing to take lightly. The pain you’re experiencing is a sign that something is wrong. You may feel as if you can tolerate the pain or that you can “tough it out,” but letting a toothache go unaddressed is asking for trouble. Whatever the cause of your pain, your condition could worsen. In a worst case scenario, you could even end up losing the tooth. Better to address it early, when there’s a good possibility the issue can be fixed with minimal fuss.

Chronic Bad Breath

Everyone gets bad breath every now and then. It’s common and can be easily triggered by the things we eat. A normal bout of bad breath is nothing to worry about. Chronic bad breath, on the other hand, is a sign of deeper problems that must be addressed. It may be “only” as serious as gum disease, which you’ll want to catch early to begin treatment. It can also be a sign of more serious issues than that. If you suffer from chronic bad breath, it’s important to have your dentist take a look as soon as possible so serious problems can be treated early.


Cracked or Chipped Teeth

One of the most common problems any dentist in Ocean County, NJ near Forked River will deal with are cracked and chipped teeth. The good news is that modern cosmetic dentistry is effective and affordable, with many options available to you. The bad news is, left unaddressed, some issues like this become more than a cosmetic issue. Cracked teeth can cause persistent pain and can lead to serious infections that may put your other teeth in danger, too. Even if you don’t mind how they look, at the very least you should have your dentist examine them to be sure your teeth are in no danger of future issues.

Jaw Pain

Pain in the jaw can come from a number of courses, including toothaches, sinus infections, and more. If you are feeling persistent jaw pain, have it examined by your Ocean County, NJ dentist near Manahawkin to determine the source of the problem. As with anything, the key to avoiding serious issues is to catch them early.

Bleeding Gums

If you experience bleeding gums during/after brushing, there may be an issue that needs addressing. In many cases bleeding gums are merely caused by improper brushing techniques. That is easy to fix. In other cases, however, they may be a sign of gingivitis or other underlying issues. As with all such issues, catching them early gives you the best chance of avoiding more serious complications.

If you experience any of these conditions and live in Barnegat, Forked River / Lacey, Manahawkin, or other areas of Southern Ocean County, call to make an appointment today!

In Southern Ocean County, Dental Health Is Tied to Overall Health

Posted on: July 14th, 2021 by admin

Your mouth is a funny place. Your body is fairly easy to keep clean and healthy when compared to your mouth. As long as you shower daily, eat right and get some exercise, generally speaking your body is going to treat you fairly well. Your mouth is another story. Your mouth is a place that is warm and wet, and that makes it a great place for germs and bacteria to thrive. It’s also filled with tiny little nooks and crannies that create perfect places for oral problems to begin. And finally, it acts as the gateway to your insides.

That’s why taking good care of your mouth requires some work on your part – just as your Southern Ocean County dental office tells you!

And make no mistake, it’s a relatively small effort that you’ll want to make, because your oral health is closely tied to your overall health. Here’s how:

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/group-of-people-having-fun-together-under-the-sun-708392/

Periodontal Disease

Some recent studies now prove there are links between periodontal disease and other oral afflictions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. dentists have found that they can often diagnose those conditions early in part by your oral health.

Good Digestion

Your every bodily function begins and ends with your body’s ability to turn food into energy, and that entire process begins in your mouth.

Heart Disease

It might seem to be counter intuitive that these two things would be linked, but a study from 2008 in the Journal of General Internal Medicine suggested that periodontal disease was a risk factor for heart disease. A few follow-up studies also appear to show that treating periodontal disease can also lower’s a person’s risk for heart disease.


Diabetes shows itself in a number of ways, among them in gum inflammation. This is something your dentist might notice, allowing you to spot early warning signs of the disease.

Preterm Labor

This is another that may surprise you. We now know that pregnancy increases the risk of gum disease and other oral maladies, and further, gum disease increases the risk of low birth weight and preterm labor. So these things are linked!


Earlier when we said your mouth was a good place for bacteria and germs to gather, we weren’t kidding. Under some conditions, breathing in germs may put you at an increased risk of developing pneumonia thanks to those factors. That’s a good reason to have good oral hygiene!


Current studies are still looking into this, but a few researchers believe that suffering from both osteoporosis and periodontal disease could lead to faster bone loss. That’s not really a risk you want to take then, is it?


This link still being studied, but it’s worth noting. A study published in the Journal of Periodontology is one of several trying to establish a connection between these two inflammatory disorders.

With all of the above in mind, it appears that a good idea is to follow the advice of your dentist in Ocean County when they tell you to do better at care of your mouth. Wouldn’t you agree?

By now you know what to do: Brush at least twice daily, ever day! Floss daily. Be sure to use mouthwash. Go for regular checkups with your dentist. Avoid food and drinks high in sugar. And so on.

Why? Because these things may seem minor, so small that sometimes you can’t be bothered to follow through, but they can play a role in protecting a much bigger, interconnected system – you body.

House Hunting at the Jersey Shore

Posted on: December 23rd, 2020 by admin

If you would like a nice house by the shore, you are not alone. The New Jersey coast is a desirable place to live for many reasons, so it’s no surprise that homes in towns like Manahawkin and Forked River are in high demand. That’s why hunting for that prime shore real estate can be a bigger task than you might be ready for.   Have no fear. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of house hunting tips.

Start Saving Now – The best time to start saving your money is BEFORE you begin your hunt, because what you save is going to impact your budget, and your budget is going to impact the houses you’ll end up viewing.

Know Your Needs – Single, childless couple, family. Work from home, commuter, retired. All of these things will play a major role in the kind of house that will best suit you. Know your needs and you’ll know what features to look for.

Figure Your Max Mortgage Payment – Create a highly detailed household budget factoring in everything you can think of other than a mortgage – car payment, utilities, student loans, etc – then add a little extra to account for unexpected expenses and so on. Subtract that from your income to determine your max mortgage payment. That will help narrow down the real state you should view.

Barnegat Lighthouse New Jersey

Know Your Credit Score – If your score is below 620, you may want to postpone your hunt, because getting approved in today’s real estate climate may be difficult.

Focus On What You Can’t Change – Things like the bathroom tiles or kitchen flooring or landscaping can be changed. Instead, focus on the floor layout, sight lines and views, and available rooms. In other words, the things you won’t be able to change.

Get Pre-Approved – A pre-approval will put you in a position to know exactly how much you can spend, which in turn will let you know which home is right for you and which isn’t.

Visit Your Short List Homes Twice – Don’t just visit once. That first visit you’ll be too excited to be viewing a nice new piece of property. You will be harder to impress the second time around and more likely to spot issues that you’ll have missed on your first visit.

View The Neighborhood, Too – It’s not enough to just view your desired house. Take a drive out to Manahawkin or Forked River or wherever you’re looking, get to see the neighborhood, see what shops are nearby, see what amenities are available to you – because unless you’re a commuter who works long hours, you’re not just buying into a home, you’re buying into a community.

Use An Agent – While you can do a lot of house hunting on your own, an agent can be a huge help, especially in a competitive market with unique obstacles, such as searching for shore houses. An agent is a worthwhile investment.

Make A Long List – View a LOT of real estate online in catalogs, through your agent, and more, and make a long list of the properties in towns like Lacey / Forked River, Long Beach Island, and Manahawkin that catch your eye.

Make A Short List – Narrow down that list to a few select homes based on rigorous criteria you set (including some of the advice above).

7 Nice Reasons To Live in Southern Ocean County

Posted on: November 11th, 2020 by admin

Ever thought about living near coast of New Jersey, especially in towns like Manahawkin, Forked River and Barnegat? If you haven’t before, you sure will after reading these seven reasons why it’s AWESOME:

barnegat lighthouse1) Easy Access To Recreation

If you want recreation, there are few better places to be than the beach, especially in Southern Ocean County and Long Beach Island. Surfing, boating, fishing, swimming, sun bathing, games, music, paddle boarding, night clubs, nature preserves, food festivals, and so much more we can barely list it all. If you can’t find something to do at the shore it’s because you refuse to leave the house!

2) It’s Relaxing

Think about the sound of the surf, the smell of the water, the laid back way people go about their lives, and then think about yourself in the middle of it all right here in Ocean County. Yes, that is what living at the shore can be like – and it can be like that every single day of the year! Doesn’t matter if you live in a small bungalow or have a huge beachfront house, being near the the ocean can lift your spirits and help you do something few people can manage: relax!

3) You’ll Enjoy A Longer Life

It might sound like nonsense, but it’s true. Studies show that people who do not take annual vacations are 32 percent more likely to die of a heart attack. So what better way to extend your life then by building a perpetual vacation into your life? That’s exactly what living at the beach is like. At any moment you choose, you can flip the switch from normal life to relaxing. Take a walk to the sand, go look out over the way, enjoy some water sports, go fishing, walk your dog, go people watching – the whole area here near Long Beach Island a tremendous place to unwind!

4) Visits From Friends And Family Will Be Great

If you enjoy making people feel welcome, you’ll have an easy time if you live near the shore. People love to visit the region for a reason, and they love it even more when they are visiting good friends and family. Give them something to see and something to do, often without much effort on your part. That’s exactly what living near the shore can do!

Southern-Ocean-County5) Get In Touch With Nature

It may appear that the shore region is built up to a major degree – and in some ways, it is – but there are not only plenty of parks and open areas, even the built-up communities allow access to mother nature you can’t get in the suburbs. When was the last time you watched dolphins and whales play in your McMansion community, or walked two blocks to do some ocean fishing, or fed ducks and gulls on the bay right in your backyard?

6) Salt Water Is Good For Your Health

Yet another mark in favor of shore living, salt water is not just calming to the soul, it can actually help heal little nicks and cuts. Add in the fact that beach sand can help exfoliate your skin, helping you to feel cleaner and fresher, and you have the makings for a healthier life.

7) It’s A Great Investment

When it comes down to it, this may be the biggest reason to own property at the shore. Waterfront property is always in demand. It never goes out of style. Your investment is all but guaranteed to increase for you. Add that to all the lifestyle bonuses mentioned above, and the reasons for living at the shore should be obvious.

And naturally, once you’re here and smiling about your choice, choose us as your Ocean County dentist and we’ll keep your smile bright!


How to Get Over Your Fear of the Dentist

Posted on: July 27th, 2020 by admin

A lot of you are scared of going to your dental office near Manahawkin. We understand. We’re not insulted. That is actually a common feeling that is not all that unusual to hear about.

Are you among those people who are afraid to go to the dentist? If so, you probably share one of these common reasons expressed by others who have the same fears:

  • You’re afraid of pain
  • You’re afraid of getting bad news
  • You have memories of a bad experience
  • You are afraid of being scolded for not taking care of your teeth
  • You have general anxiety

These are the most common reasons mentioned by those who are afraid of going to the dentist near Manahawkin. The good news is, though these reasons may be commonplace, they are relatively easy to overcome. Consider these facts:

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/men-s-gray-crew-neck-shirt-160914/


You’re Afraid of Pain

The fact of the matter is, these days your visit your dentist is almost certain to be pain free. Modern dental technology and the techniques they use have improved by leaps and bounds when compared to the old days. Dental office procedures these days are now easier and more painless than ever before.

You’re afraid to Get Bad News

Many people avoid going to the dentist because they don’t want to learn that they might need to get major work done. The reality of the situation, though, is that if you have taken care of your mouth in the way you should, it’s highly unlikely you’ll get the bad news you are fearing. If you DO happen to get bad news, don’t worry. You shouldn’t see it as bad. It’s the opposite! Catching a problem early when there is still a chance to fix it is great news!

You Have Memories of a Bad Experience

You might have been scared at the dentist when you were a child, but let’s be honest, kids are scared of many things they don’t need to be scared of. You’re an adult now, older, wiser, and smarter.

You’re Afraid of Being Scolded

This one is more common than you might think. People just don’t like to be told they’ve been doing something wrong or not doing it well! Just remember that if your dentist has input for you about your oral health habits, it’s for a good reason. Your dentist is there to look out for you! Also keep in mind that what they point out to you now can mean avoiding more dental treatments in the future.

You Have General Anxiety

If you have general anxiety about doctor visits, or just anxiety in general then your fear of the dentist may be a manifestation of that. Look for ways to cope that have worked best for you in other aspects of life so that when you do visit your dentist you can tell them about your anxiety and they can help you through it. Your dentist will be happy to do everything possible to make the experience more pleasant for you.

Most of all, the important thing to remember is that your dentist is there to help you lead a healthier, happier life. That’s his or her job.

So the next time you get a knot in your stomach when you have a trip to the dentist coming up, think about the above and let that knot unravel!

How to Find A Great Jersey Shore Summer Home

Posted on: February 26th, 2020 by admin

Summer will be here before you know it, so if you want a Jersey Shore vacation, the time to start planning is NOW!

On Fridays during the summer, the Garden State Parkway and New Jersey Turnpike are often backed up with traffic. These aren’t people going home from work or on their way to the world’s largest pizza party. They are coming to the beautiful New Jersey Coast – and since our dentist office in Ocean County is right near the coast, we have a great fondness for the area!

No wonder Long Beach Island rentals, bungalows in Barnegat, apartments in Belmar, weekend homes in Point Pleasant and more are so popular each summer.

The New Jersey coast is not all created equal, however. Choosing one town over the other can be the difference between finding yourself in the middle of MTV’s “Jersey Shore” and relaxing in a quaint, historic community, so choose carefully!

If you plan to invest in a summer home at the Jersey Shore or to enjoy a vacation along the coast, these are a few of the communities you should be sure to consider when deciding to take a weekend, week, or even the rest of your life away with the family.

Point Pleasant Beach – This is a community that endeavors to straddle the line between a vibrant, active resort community and a quiet, peaceful ocean town. Indeed, this is a town that offers the architectural charm of yesteryear as well as the appeal of great dining and excellent shopping. The residential neighborhoods of Point Pleasant Beach are quiet, but the downtown is often bus with shoppers. Also busy is the boardwalk, which has the area’s only aquarium. There you will find rides, games, places to see bands playing music, and more.

Long Beach Island – The fact is, Long Beach Island (along with nearby communities like Manahawkin) is in high demand for a reason. This stretch of coastal barrier island remains one of the New Jersey coast’s most desirable places to both live and to vacation. Boasting plenty of bay and ocean facing property, it also has shopping, historic sites, and more. Even better, while there are plenty of things to do within a short walk or drive, the town itself is calm enough so that even retirees find this to be a small slice of heaven.


Barnegat – The small oceanfront and bay community of Barnegat, where our dentist office in Ocean County are located, is a popular place for families thanks to its lovely beaches, paths, and docks for fishing and crabbing – not to mention its historic lighthouse. There are more than a few small shops run by residents of the town, as well as waterfront property along both the ocean and the bay. Barnegat is on Long Beach Island, so when we say that Long Beach Island has been increasingly popular in recent years thanks to its quaint, small town feel we include this town in the observation.

Belmar – Not unlike Point Pleasant Beach, the Borough of Belmar offers quiet shore living as well as attractions that will appeal to more energetic visitors. Quaint neighborhoods with snug coastal homes are just a short walk away from some of the New Jersey coast’s most active and popular nightclubs. Set that alongside some of the best fishing on the East Coast, a historic boating community, and a downtown that is a throwback to communities of eras long gone and it’s easy to see why people flock to Belmar each year.

Any one of these communities could serve at the perfect place for your New Jersey vacation or retirement!