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16 Wild Facts About Dental Implants

Posts Tagged ‘ dentist in Forked River ’

16 Wild Facts About Dental Implants

Posted on: April 21st, 2021 by admin

There have been many amazing advances in dental technology over the years, from braces to teeth whitening and more. Many of those scanners and machines you see used at the dentist office near Manahawkin seem like something out of a science fiction movie!

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-and-white-mouth-plastic-toy-and-food-plastic-toys-1073776/

The same holds true for medicine in general. For example, the images provided by an MRI machine and the astonishing technology behind artificial hearts is truly impressive.

There have been so many big advances in modern medicine and surgery, in fact, that it’s easy to  take them for granted.

For instance, there is one big leap forward in dental technology that you probably see every day of your life without even realizing you’re seeing it. This dental technology that has improved countless lives, offered people a greater sense of self-confidence, and improved their overall health. Despite this, you probably don’t even realize it exists.

We’re talking about dental implants, and they are more amazing than you realize.

How amazing? Check out these facts offered by your local dentist near Forked River:

  1. Dental braces date all the way back to about 2,000 BC.
  2. More advanced dental implants date back to at least 600 AD.
  3. The Mayans  in pre-Colombian South America used pieces of shell to replace lost teeth.
  4. The ancient Greeks often thought about better ways to straighten their teeth or replace lost teeth.
  5. We’ve been brushing our teeth for thousands of years, but the modern bristle toothbrush was “only” invented in China around the year 600 – about 1,400 years ago!
  6. Over two thirds of Americans between the ages of 35 and 44 suffer from having at least one missing tooth.
  7. About 25 percent of people in the United States over the age of 74 have lost all their teeth.
  8. About 30 million people in the United States are missing ALL their teeth in at least one jaw.
  9. Every single year, round 500,000 people get dental implants to help improve their quality of life
  10. More than 5.5 million dental implants have been provided to patients in America through the year 2006.
  11. These days, dental implants are proven to be safe, and have a long safety record under their belt that goes back decades
  12. Modern dental implants are generally made of highly durable titanium.
  13. Strange as it sounds, titanium can actually fuse with bone. That means that implants can help stimulate bone growth.
  14. Believe it or not, it’s impossible to get a cavity in a modern dental implant!
  15. Dental implants have a well documented success rate that reaches 98%.
  16. In most cases, modern dental implants will last your entire life.

Pretty impressive stuff, isn’t it! In fact, the market for dental implants has eclipsed $1 billion a year. It continues to grow today, too.

If you are missing teeth or have other issues that may require dental implants, see your dentist near Forked River for details on how this can be addressed. It’s surprisingly common, surprisingly easy, and will give you a surprisingly improved quality of life.

Getting Over Your Fear of the Dentist is Easy!

Posted on: September 16th, 2020 by admin

Fear of the dentist is such a common fear it’s practically a movie cliché at this point. It has featured in sitcoms (Seinfeld’s hilarious dentist, Tim Whatley was played by Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston, and he was a very scary dentist) and in movies. There have been entire books written on the subject, and the reason is simple: It’s a fear that many people share.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s very possible to overcome your fear of visiting the dentist near Manahawkin – and that’s a good thing, because overcoming that fear will let you get the care you need in order to maintain good oral health!


Here’s how to get over your fear of the dentist:

  1. Understand That Your Fears Are Normal

    – You’re not alone in being frightened of going to the dentist. Peter Milgrom, the director of the Dental Fears Research Clinic at the University of Washington, claims that upwards of 20 percent of U.S. citizens only go to the dentist when it is absolutely necessary to go. They avoid visits at other times due to fear. Up to 8 percent of people don’t go at ALL, with their decision also based in fear. When you understand that it’s normal to feel this way, it will be a good first step towards overcoming those fears.

  1. Get To Know Your Dentist As A Human Being

    – When you visit a dentist near Manahawkin, be sure you try to see them as a person, not as a clinical medical person in scrubs. Chat with them and get to know them. When you recognize that they are someone just like you, with interesting hobbies and families, you will help ease your anxiety.

  1. Book A Few Low-Pressure Appointments –

    Going to the dentist for a simple check-up is a great, low-stress way to get yourself comfortable with dental office visits. Even if you know you’re going to need dental work done, that doesn’t mean you have to get it done right away. Have a low key visit to your Ocean County dental office, get comfortable, , and relax. That will make future visits MUCH easier.

  1. Ask Your Dentist To Educate You

    – A good Ocean County dentist will talk to you before, during and after your appointment. Use this time to ease your fears. Have them tell you exactly what they are doing and how they’re doing it, and have them clarify why they’re doing it, too. Keep in mind, knowledge is power. When you have a better understanding of the process, you will then be more comfortable with it.

  1. Bring A Stress Reliever

    – Stress relief items like smooshy rubber balls can be helpful, so feel free to bring one with you. Your Barnegat dentist will understand! A major part of their job is to help make you comfortable. They want you to be at ease, so if it will help, bring it!

  1. Bring A Friend With You

    – Few things help us face our fears as the buddy system. If you are going in for a dental procedure that makes you a little nervous, ask a friend to come along on your appointment. They can give you the moral support that you’ll need to help get you get through your visit!

Trust us, your dentist wants you to be as relaxed as you can be, so follow this advice to ease your stress levels. Before you know it your dentist visits will feel routine!

Your Oral Health is Tied to Your Overall Health. Here’s How

Posted on: July 13th, 2020 by admin

Your mouth is a funny place. Your body is fairly easy to keep clean and healthy when compared to your mouth. As long as you shower daily, eat right and get some exercise, generally speaking your body is going to treat you fairly well. Your mouth is another story. Your mouth is a place that is warm and wet, and that makes it a great place for germs and bacteria to thrive. It’s also filled with tiny little nooks and crannies that create perfect places for oral problems to begin. And finally, it acts as the gateway to your insides.

That’s why taking good care of your mouth requires some work on your part – just as your Southern Ocean County dental office tells you!

And make no mistake, it’s a relatively small effort that you’ll want to make, because your oral health is closely tied to your overall health. Here’s how:

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/group-of-people-having-fun-together-under-the-sun-708392/

Periodontal Disease

Some recent studies now prove there are links between periodontal disease and other oral afflictions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. dentists have found that they can often diagnose those conditions early in part by your oral health.

Good Digestion

Your every bodily function begins and ends with your body’s ability to turn food into energy, and that entire process begins in your mouth.

Heart Disease

It might seem to be counter intuitive that these two things would be linked, but a study from 2008 in the Journal of General Internal Medicine suggested that periodontal disease was a risk factor for heart disease. A few follow-up studies also appear to show that treating periodontal disease can also lower’s a person’s risk for heart disease.


Diabetes shows itself in a number of ways, among them in gum inflammation. This is something your dentist might notice, allowing you to spot early warning signs of the disease.

Preterm Labor

This is another that may surprise you. We now know that pregnancy increases the risk of gum disease and other oral maladies, and further, gum disease increases the risk of low birth weight and preterm labor. So these things are linked!


Earlier when we said your mouth was a good place for bacteria and germs to gather, we weren’t kidding. Under some conditions, breathing in germs may put you at an increased risk of developing pneumonia thanks to those factors. That’s a good reason to have good oral hygiene!


Current studies are still looking into this, but a few researchers believe that suffering from both osteoporosis and periodontal disease could lead to faster bone loss. That’s not really a risk you want to take then, is it?


This link still being studied, but it’s worth noting. A study published in the Journal of Periodontology is one of several trying to establish a connection between these two inflammatory disorders.

With all of the above in mind, it appears that a good idea is to follow the advice of your dentist in Ocean County when they tell you to do better at care of your mouth. Wouldn’t you agree?

By now you know what to do: Brush at least twice daily, ever day! Floss daily. Be sure to use mouthwash. Go for regular checkups with your dentist. Avoid food and drinks high in sugar. And so on.

Why? Because these things may seem minor, so small that sometimes you can’t be bothered to follow through, but they can play a role in protecting a much bigger, interconnected system – you body.

What You Need to Know About Teeth Whitening

Posted on: June 9th, 2020 by admin

If it seems like you are hearing more and more about teeth whitening, you are probably right. Improvements in cosmetic dentistry have made it easier than ever to whiten and brighten your smile. You might even be thinking about a visit to your dentist so you can enjoy an affordable teeth whitening treatment.

With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know about modern teeth whitening:

How It Works

These days, tooth whitening treatments use a peroxide-based bleaching technique that assists with bleaching out staining and discoloration. Remember that the treatments will have no impact on porcelain crowns or composite tooth-colored bondings.

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-wearing-white-turtle-neck-sweater-709802/

At-Home Options

Not every dentist near Manahawkin dentist will tell you this, but it’s good information to have: there are at-home whitening treatments available, and some of them are available over the counter. The price can range from extremely low to about equal to an in-office visit. It usually takes much longer to get results, and the results are usually not as dramatic as a professional treatment.

If you are considering at-home whitening, your choices include:

  • Strips & Gels – Apply these twice a day for up to two weeks. When you use this cost-effective solution, expect modest results
  • Bleaching Trays – A tray not unlike a mouth guard is filled with gel or a solution. This tray is worn in the mouth for several hours a day. Treatment can last up to four weeks. The results can be good, but the cost is generally similar to professional treatments.
  • Whitening Toothpastes – You won’t see dramatic results from a whitening toothpaste. At best, they can brighten your teeth by about one shade. By contrast, you can get up to eight shades of brightness from professional treatments. However, one benefit is that whitening toothpastes are easy to incorporate into your life.

In-Office Treatments

A visit to your dental office near Manahawkin is going to end up giving you better whitening results than anything you can do at home, and you’ll get those results much faster. Dentists are able to use much stronger solutions than you can purchase over the counter, and the methods they use with in-office treatments can get results quicker. Some important things to know include:

  • Stronger – In-office whitening treatments can be up to 10 times more effective than over the counter treatments!
  • Faster – At-home whitening usually takes anywhere from two to four weeks and may result in a few shades of whiteness. In-office treatments usually take less than an hour per session, and only a few sessions are needed for up to eight shades of improvement.
  • Better Results – As mentioned, at most at-home treatments can increase your tooth whiteness by a few shades. In-office treatments can get you up to eight shades of improvement.

When you sum it all up, you have many treatment options available to you from your Southern Ocean County dentist. Before deciding on one, it’s a good idea to consult with your dentist to be sure the treatment is right for you. Not all mouths are made the same, after all!

How to Find A Great Jersey Shore Summer Home

Posted on: February 26th, 2020 by admin

Summer will be here before you know it, so if you want a Jersey Shore vacation, the time to start planning is NOW!

On Fridays during the summer, the Garden State Parkway and New Jersey Turnpike are often backed up with traffic. These aren’t people going home from work or on their way to the world’s largest pizza party. They are coming to the beautiful New Jersey Coast – and since our dentist office in Ocean County is right near the coast, we have a great fondness for the area!

No wonder Long Beach Island rentals, bungalows in Barnegat, apartments in Belmar, weekend homes in Point Pleasant and more are so popular each summer.

The New Jersey coast is not all created equal, however. Choosing one town over the other can be the difference between finding yourself in the middle of MTV’s “Jersey Shore” and relaxing in a quaint, historic community, so choose carefully!

If you plan to invest in a summer home at the Jersey Shore or to enjoy a vacation along the coast, these are a few of the communities you should be sure to consider when deciding to take a weekend, week, or even the rest of your life away with the family.

Point Pleasant Beach – This is a community that endeavors to straddle the line between a vibrant, active resort community and a quiet, peaceful ocean town. Indeed, this is a town that offers the architectural charm of yesteryear as well as the appeal of great dining and excellent shopping. The residential neighborhoods of Point Pleasant Beach are quiet, but the downtown is often bus with shoppers. Also busy is the boardwalk, which has the area’s only aquarium. There you will find rides, games, places to see bands playing music, and more.

Long Beach Island – The fact is, Long Beach Island (along with nearby communities like Manahawkin) is in high demand for a reason. This stretch of coastal barrier island remains one of the New Jersey coast’s most desirable places to both live and to vacation. Boasting plenty of bay and ocean facing property, it also has shopping, historic sites, and more. Even better, while there are plenty of things to do within a short walk or drive, the town itself is calm enough so that even retirees find this to be a small slice of heaven.


Barnegat – The small oceanfront and bay community of Barnegat, where our dentist office in Ocean County are located, is a popular place for families thanks to its lovely beaches, paths, and docks for fishing and crabbing – not to mention its historic lighthouse. There are more than a few small shops run by residents of the town, as well as waterfront property along both the ocean and the bay. Barnegat is on Long Beach Island, so when we say that Long Beach Island has been increasingly popular in recent years thanks to its quaint, small town feel we include this town in the observation.

Belmar – Not unlike Point Pleasant Beach, the Borough of Belmar offers quiet shore living as well as attractions that will appeal to more energetic visitors. Quaint neighborhoods with snug coastal homes are just a short walk away from some of the New Jersey coast’s most active and popular nightclubs. Set that alongside some of the best fishing on the East Coast, a historic boating community, and a downtown that is a throwback to communities of eras long gone and it’s easy to see why people flock to Belmar each year.

Any one of these communities could serve at the perfect place for your New Jersey vacation or retirement!

4 Tips To Become A Master Toothbrush Expert

Posted on: February 19th, 2020 by admin

By now, all adults know that they should be brushing twice daily. If you are reading this, you know it, too.

But that doesn’t mean there isn’t more to learn. For instance, consider these 4 tips that will make your brushing (and your choice in toothpaste) far more effective:

Tip #1: Sensitive Teeth? Try A Baking Soda-Based Toothpaste

We see a lot of patients who have sensitive teeth, so we know how frustrating the condition can be. We also know that having sensitive teeth means you must take a slightly different approach to oral health than others might. One way is in the brand of toothpaste you choose. Standard brands may be more abrasive than is comfortable for your teeth, or may contain chemicals that trigger sensitivity in your teeth. A good way to get around that problem is to choose baking soda-based toothpastes. These toothpastes tend to be softer and milder on the teeth, resulting in a gentler yet still effective brush that won’t leave your mouth feeling sensitive.


Tip #2: Understand That Not All Toothpastes Are Right For Everyone

It’s a common misconception that one toothpaste is pretty much the same as another. After all, it’s all just toothpaste, right? Wrong. The fact of the matter is, not all toothpastes are created alike. Many types of toothpaste are designed to address specific issues, such as sensitive teeth or staining. Others are made for children – children below a certain age should not be exposed to high levels of fluoride – while still others are ideal for people who prefer all-natural products. Yes, that means you may need to buy more than one tube of toothpaste for your family. That’s okay, though. That just means that everyone will be getting exactly what they need to maintain the best oral health possible. Nothing wrong with that!

Tip #3: Some Toothpastes May Accelerate Tooth Decay!

It may sound counterintuitive, but there are some toothpastes that could contribute to tooth decay even as they are helping you clean your teeth. How? By being overly sweet and full of sugars. You’ve probably seen them, usually aimed at children: toothpastes that practically taste like candy they are so sweet. Well, they almost taste like candy for the same reason candy tastes sweet. They are sweetened! It may be easier to get your little ones to use toothpastes like these, but as a general rule of thumb your dentist near Forked River suggests you should avoid them when possible. In some ways, using them defeats the purpose of brushing in the first place!


Tip #4: Brushing Is Only The Start

For too many Americans, their oral health regime begins and ends with brushing their teeth. While that is a great place to start – if you are mindful enough to be brushing at least twice a day, kudos to you – it is only the start. Good oral health includes mouth rinses, flossing, and regular checkups from your dentist. Remember, brushing is just one part of an overall plan of good oral health.

Keep these tips in mind and we guarantee your Ocean County dentist will have nothing but good news on your next visit!

Simple Teeth-Whitening Methods You Can Do At Home

Posted on: August 28th, 2019 by admin

We know you want brighter and whiter teeth. You wouldn’t be reading this or visiting us here at Bayside Dentistry if you didn’t! Though the best results can only come after a visit to our office, there are some things you can do right in your own home to assist with making your teeth whiter. Here are some ideas:

Womans open mouth picture Barnegat Manahawkin Dental Office

pexels photo 922531

What To Do:

Brush Your Tongue

Brushing your tongue is not purely about keeping your breath fresh. Your tongue gets bacterial buildup, and that buildup that often results in staining on your teeth. Brushing your tongue helps ease that problem.

Eat Raw Fruits and Vegetables

The saying that an apple a day keeps the dentist away is true! Raw fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears, celery, carrots, and others help scrub away plaque and other elements that can stain, making them a nutritious way to maintain whiter teeth. Just don’t skip your visit to a dentist serving Forked River and Southern Ocean County, like Bayside Dentistry!

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an organic teeth whitening technique you can try at home. Just rinse with apple cider vinegar. It’s that simple! Though not nearly as effective as the professional treatments you’ll get from your dentist – it’s not even close – it can offer pretty decent results and help you maintain some brightness. All you need to do is mix two parts water to one part apple cider vinegar and rinse.

Replace Your Toothbrush

You should be doing this no matter what! Keep in mind that due to bacterial buildup, you should replace your toothbrush every three to four months, because worn bristles become increasingly less effective at cleaning your teeth as they wear down.

Rinse Your Mouth After Eating Citrus

Oranges, lemons and others are delicious, but they can be bad for your teeth due to their high acidity. Eat them as much as you want, but rinse with water after you’re done. Your teeth will thank you for it.

Visit Your Dentist

All of the above suggestions will help alleviate the staining effects that time, eating, and drinking will have on the whiteness of your teeth, but if you desire noticeably whiter and brighter teeth, you’re going to want to ask your dentist about teeth whitening in Ocean County.

What NOT to do:

Do Not Use Baking Soda

This all-purpose cleaning agent is often suggested, but proceed with caution! Baking soda can be abrasive, wearing away the enamel of your teeth and eventually causing them to darken.

Drink Too Many Energy Drinks

You already know to avoid coffee and tea, but did you know that energy drinks can wear at your teeth color, too? The team here at Bayside will confirm that these drinks are highly acidic, causing them to wear at your tooth enamel. If you have to drink them, consider using a straw to help avoid your teeth.

Don’t Gorge on Dark Foods

Marinara sauce, blackberries and blueberries, dark sauces for your pasta, and similar foods may be tasty, but they can stain your teeth. If you do eat them, brush promptly afterward!

Finally, the best thing you can do for your white teeth? Have regular checkups with your dentist, especially if they are a dentist serving Manahawkin.

12 Essentials to Know About Flossing

Posted on: May 14th, 2019 by admin

We get it. Flossing just isn’t that fun. In fact, as you’ll read below, up to half of all Americans don’t floss s often as they should.

However, since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, we can’t encourage people to skip the floss. It’s too essential to good oral health!

Take a look at these 12 things you may not know about flossing and maybe you will change your mind about it – and your dentist near Forked River will be glad you did!

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-wearing-blue-zip-up-jacket-1090387/

  1. Some dental experts recommend flossing before you brush rather than after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get in between your teeth. However, there is still some debate over whether this actually has any impact or not. The most important thing is, most dentists agree that you floss.
  1. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be doing it improperly or at irregular intervals. The trick is that regular flossing with a good technique is essential.
  1. If you are not using a clean stretch of floss for each tooth, you risk moving bacteria from one tooth to another!
  1. Floss comes in flavors for those who need a little boost to get themselves flossing. You can find all the expected flavors – mint, fruit, and even bacon. Yes, bacon flavored floss!
  1. If you have bridgework or wider than average spaces in between your teeth, it might be beneficial to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give you better coverage so they remain cleaner and healthier.
  1. If you have closely spaced teeth, think about using waxed floss, which can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  1. Listen for the squeak: You can actually tell when unwaxed floss is sliding against clean teeth by the sound. This is your clue that plaque has been removed!
  1. Only about half of all Americans floss on a daily basis, and 18 percent don’t floss at all, according to the American Dental Association.
  1. 27 percent of people LIE about how much they floss!
  1. Any discomfort you experience when flossing usually disappears after the first week or so of regular flossing. It’s normal for it to feel “odd” when you first start, but that quickly goes away as long as you make it part of your routine.
  1. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your hygienist about other options. There are a number of products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.
  1. Waterpicks are NOT a replacement for dental floss because they do not remove plaque. They are for cleaning braces, but should not be used instead of flossing.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist.

These 6 Dental Procedures are VERY Common – so don’t fear them!

Posted on: April 25th, 2019 by admin

Over the years, your Barnegat dentist has done and seen it all. You name the procedure and they have probably done it. There are, however, a few that stand out as far more common than others. Here are the 6 procedures we find ourselves doing more than any other:

1) Fillings

One of the most common dental procedures is also one of the easiest: getting fillings. This is nothing more than using restorative materials to repair damage to your teeth, usually cavities. In addition to filling holes left by tooth decay, aka cavities, these materials might be used to repair chipping, cracks, and other tooth damage. The resins used are colored to match your teeth, giving you a natural look that blends in seamlessly with your existing teeth.

2) Caps or Crowns

Dental crowns or caps are covers usually made of porcelain that go over or around existing teeth. These procedures are usually performed to help repair the appearance of broken or cracked teeth. These crowns not only improve the appearance of teeth that have been chipped in accidents and other events, they also help strengthen what is left of the teeth.


3) Tooth Whitening

More common than ever these days, the professional tooth whitening offered by your dentist in Ocean County is a cut about over-the-counter solutions. Using one of several types of treatments, your teeth can be whitened by several shades, reversing the damage done by years of coffee drinking, juice, smoking, and other ways to stain your teeth. Even better? The procedure is fast, easy and affordable.

4) Bridges and Implants

When teeth are missing or removed, it’s usually a good idea to replace them in some way. This is not just for the sake of appearance, but to protect your gums and to make eating easier. One of the most common ways of doing this is with a bridge, sometimes called dentures. These are false teeth with crowns used to fill in gaps in your mouth. Another is through the use of implants, metal posts that are placed in your mouth to serve as anchors for false teeth. In both cases, technology used by dentists near Manahawkin has come so far that you’ll never notice the difference.

5) Root Canals

Also known as Endodontics, root canals are a procedure often talked about with fear, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Modern advances in how these procedures are done have made them far less uncomfortable than in the past. Root canals are the removal of the pulpy, thread-like tissue in the center of the tooth. This is done when decay had advanced far enough so that it might cause infection inside the tooth. Root canals can save teeth from being extracted, but more importantly, they can prevent the formation of abscesses, buildups of pus that can destroy tissue and cause extreme pain – and sometimes worse.

6) Extractions

This one is pretty self-explanatory. An extraction is when a tooth is removed. These procedures may be done for a myriad of reasons, whether the tooth is damaged, decay has progressed too far, unwanted extra teeth are coming in, and more. In most cases, extractions are relatively easy procedures that any experienced dentist near Forked River can perform.

Teeth Whitening Tips You Can Try At Home

Posted on: August 22nd, 2018 by admin No Comments

We know you want brighter and whiter teeth. You wouldn’t be reading this or visiting us here at Bayside Dentistry if you didn’t! Though the best results can only come after a visit to our office, there are some things you can do right in your own home to assist with making your teeth whiter. Here are some ideas:


What To Do:

Brush Your Tongue

Brushing your tongue is not purely about keeping your breath fresh. Your tongue gets bacterial buildup, and that buildup that often results in staining on your teeth. Brushing your tongue helps ease that problem.

Eat Raw Fruits and Vegetables

The saying that an apple a day keeps the dentist away is true! Raw fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears, celery, carrots, and others help scrub away plaque and other elements that can stain, making them a nutritious way to maintain whiter teeth. Just don’t skip your visit to a dentist serving Forked River and Southern Ocean County, like Bayside Dentistry!

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an organic teeth whitening technique you can try at home. Just rinse with apple cider vinegar. It’s that simple! Though not nearly as effective as the professional treatments you’ll get from your dentist – it’s not even close – it can offer pretty decent results and help you maintain some brightness. All you need to do is mix two parts water to one part apple cider vinegar and rinse.

Replace Your Toothbrush

You should be doing this no matter what! Keep in mind that due to bacterial buildup, you should replace your toothbrush every three to four months, because worn bristles become increasingly less effective at cleaning your teeth as they wear down.

Rinse Your Mouth After Eating Citrus

Oranges, lemons and others are delicious, but they can be bad for your teeth due to their high acidity. Eat them as much as you want, but rinse with water after you’re done. Your teeth will thank you for it.

Visit Your Dentist

All of the above suggestions will help alleviate the staining effects that time, eating, and drinking will have on the whiteness of your teeth, but if you desire noticeably whiter and brighter teeth, you’re going to want to ask your dentist about teeth whitening in Ocean County.

What NOT to do:

Do Not Use Baking Soda

This all-purpose cleaning agent is often suggested, but proceed with caution! Baking soda can be abrasive, wearing away the enamel of your teeth and eventually causing them to darken.

Drink Too Many Energy Drinks

You already know to avoid coffee and tea, but did you know that energy drinks can wear at your teeth color, too? The team here at Bayside will confirm that these drinks are highly acidic, causing them to wear at your tooth enamel. If you have to drink them, consider using a straw to help avoid your teeth.

Don’t Gorge on Dark Foods

Marinara sauce, blackberries and blueberries, dark sauces for your pasta, and similar foods may be tasty, but they can stain your teeth. If you do eat them, brush promptly afterward!

Finally, the best thing you can do for your white teeth? Have regular checkups with your dentist!