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Beware! These 7 Foods and Drinks Will Stain Your Teeth

Posts Tagged ‘ dentist ’

Beware! These 7 Foods and Drinks Will Stain Your Teeth

Posted on: December 20th, 2023 by admin

Oh no! These 7 Foods and Drinks Will Stain Your Teeth

Do you want a white smile? If so, then you need to avoid these seven foods and drinks! They are known to stain teeth and cause yellowing over time. If you can’t give up these items entirely, then be sure to brush your teeth regularly and use a teeth whitening toothpaste or treatment. With a little effort, you can keep your pearly whites looking great for years to come!

1. Coffee: Everyone loves a good cup of joe in the morning, but unfortunately it can also stain your teeth. The dark pigments in coffee stick to your enamel and cause yellowing if you don’t brush soon after drinking. Consider cutting back or using a straw to minimize contact with your teeth.

2. Tea: Like coffee, tea contains tannins which can cause yellow discoloration over time. Herbal teas are usually better for your teeth as they contain fewer staining agents than black or oolong tea varieties.

3. Red Wine: This type of alcohol is especially bad for tooth coloration due to its high levels of chromogens and tannins. Try switching to white wine or another lighter alcoholic beverage.

4. Berries: Unfortunately, many of our favorite summer fruits can cause tooth discoloration. Berries such as blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are known to stain teeth due to their dark pigment levels.

5. Dark Sodas: The deep brown hues in these bubbly drinks may look delicious but they can wreak havoc on your teeth if you don’t brush after drinking them! Try switching to clear or light-colored sodas instead.

6. Curry: This flavorful dish is a staple of Indian cuisine but it’s also known for causing yellowing of the teeth due to its high levels of turmeric and other spices. If you can’t give it up entirely, then be sure to brush afterwards.

7. Soy Sauce: This dark condiment is often used in Asian dishes and can cause tooth discoloration if you don’t brush soon after consuming it. Try opting for low-sodium versions which will contain fewer staining agents.

By avoiding these seven foods and drinks, you can keep your teeth looking white and bright for years to come! Be sure to also brush regularly and use a teeth whitening toothpaste or treatment if needed. With a little effort, you’ll have the perfect pearly whites!

Taking the Right Steps Before Your Dental Appointment

Posted on: November 30th, 2023 by admin

Visiting your local dentist can be a little nerve-wracking for some people. Even if it’s just a routine checkup, it’s not uncommon to feel anxious or uneasy about the impending visit. However, preparing yourself properly beforehand can go a long way towards easing your worries. In this article, we’ll provide you with some essential steps that you should take before your dental appointment to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Step 1: Confirm Your Appointment

The first thing you need to do is to confirm the appointment. A few days before your scheduled visit, call or email to confirm the date and time of your appointment. This allows you to avoid any confusion about the timing or location of the appointment. If you have any queries regarding the appointment, this is a good time to clarify them. But don’t worry if you forget, because here at Bayside, we will call ahead of your appointment to confirm!

Step 2: Provide Accurate Information

On the day of the appointment, make sure you provide our office with accurate information. This might include your medical history, any allergies you may have, and current medications. This information, in addition to any current conditions you have, can affect your oral health, so make sure you don’t skip this step, and don’t be afraid to ask any questions about any concerns or questions you have. You can make this step easier by filling out your forms ahead of time.

Step 3: Prepare for Your Dental Treatment

Before your appointment, you should prepare for your dental treatment. This means following the instructions given by your dentist such as fasting or changing your routine in preparation for a treatment. Depending on your needs, changing what you drink, eating soft foods, or avoiding certain foods may be necessary. In addition, make sure you brush and floss before the appointment to ensure that your teeth are clean. However, in most cases you won’t need to do anything at all!

Step 4: Arrive Early

Arriving a little earlier for your appointment than the scheduled time is always recommended. This will give you time to fill out any necessary forms and review your medical history. Arriving early also gives you time to settle down before the appointment, instead of feeling rushed.

Step 5: Relax and Communicate

Last but not least, try to relax during the appointment. A friendly local dentists office like ours is designed to help you feel comfortable, and our dentist will always do their best to make sure you have a good experience, as you can see from our reviews. So don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re anxious about anything, or just want to confirm the procedure they will be performing. By communicating clearly with your dentist, you can help them provide the best treatment possible.


Visiting the dentist can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. Take these five essential steps before your appointment to make it a more comfortable and stress-free experience. By following these tips, you can take the first step towards a healthy, happy smile.

Don’t Panic! Here’s What to Do if You Chip a Tooth

Posted on: May 3rd, 2023 by admin

It’s an unfortunate side effect of life, but chipping a tooth is something we all have to deal with at times. Whether you or your child has experienced a minor mishap resulting in a broken or chipped tooth, don’t panic! This article will walk you through the steps of what to do when this unfortunate situation occurs. We’ll discuss what actions are recommended and how to ensure that your smile gets back to its original state as soon as possible.

First, it’s important to assess the damage. Are there any large pieces missing or is the chip small and contained? Is the fracture a simple surface fracture or one that has penetrated deeper into the tooth? While you can’t tell for certain just how deep it goes, it’s important to note how long it is and how much has been chipped away.

Next, rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area. This will help prevent infection as well as reduce any swelling or pain. Take pain relief medication if necessary and avoid chewing with that tooth until you can get it fixed.

The best thing to do next is to contact a dentist as soon as possible. They are trained to handle situations like this and will be able to provide you with the best course of action. The dentist may be able to repair the tooth in one appointment, or they may need to place a temporary crown over it while they perform further repairs.

If you’re unable to get to your dentist near Forked River right away, there are a few things you can do to protect the tooth in the meantime. Avoid eating hard foods or anything that could cause further damage. You may also be able to apply a DIY dental repair kit with resin and other materials that can help build up the surface of your chipped tooth until you can get it fixed professionally.

By following these steps, you can be sure that your smile is taken care of and will soon look as good as new! Be sure to contact a trusted and knowledgeable dentist with any questions or concerns you may have. They will be able to help you restore your tooth to its original condition in no time. Good luck!

Some BIG reasons why your oral health is important

Posted on: November 9th, 2022 by admin

The health of your mouth is important – probably more important than you realize. Good habits can improve your oral health, and can also improve your overall health as well. The bottom line is simple: visiting your dentist serving Manahawkin is a big deal to your overall well being!

In fact, there is strong scientific evidence that your oral health can have a direct role in the health of your entire body. It’s true! Read the following and you’ll see how.

Your Habits When It Comes To Oral Health Can Affect Your Weight

It’s a scientifically proven fact: a good oral hygiene routine can have an impact on your weight. It’s true! You see, brushing your teeth signals your brain that you are finished eating. Try it yourself and see what happens. You will have a suppressed appetite. In other words, break out that tooth brush! The folks at your dentist office near Manahawkin will be glad about it, too.

You’ll Look Better Than Ever

If we’re honest with ourselves, we all want to look as good as we can. Your mouth is an important part of that, since your eyes and smile are the first two things people notice.  So with that in mind, good oral hygiene is not just important for your health, it helps you look and feel better than ever. A bright smile can boost your confidence, and that is priceless.

Oral Infections Often Spread

When you have gum disease it can lead to oral infections, and those infections can spread to other parts of your body. They can worsen digestive issues, spread to the heart and result in bacterial endocarditis, and more. This is why some diseases can be diagnosed by symptoms in your mouth. Some of them include heart disease, diabetes, leukemia, and kidney disease.

The Link between Gum Disease And Diabetes

Your dentist serving Manahawkin knows that people suffering from diabetes are more prone to gum disease. We also now know that the link may go in the other direction. In other words, gum disease may contribute to diabetes by impacting blood glucose control. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, the bacteria associated with gum disease produces toxins that can increase insulin resistance and, as a result, blood glucose levels.

Bad Oral Health Can Affect Your Pregnancy

Pregnant women already know they’re eating for two. What they might not know is that bad oral health can affect their baby. Doctors have linked periodontitis to low birth weight and premature birth. Good reason to maintain a healthy mouth!

What all this means is simple: it’s a good idea to take good care of your mouth, because it can have a major impact on your overall health! Ask your dentists near Manahawkin for more information on how your healthy and oral hygiene are linked so you can learn how good habits can benefit you.

In the meantime, happy brushing, eat the right foods, and of course, don’t forget to floss! That will get you off to a great start!

Here’s why you don’t need to fear the dentist

Posted on: September 28th, 2022 by admin

Fear of the dentist is such a common fear it’s practically a movie cliché at this point. It has featured in sitcoms (Seinfeld’s hilarious dentist, Tim Whatley was played by Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston, and he was a very scary dentist) and in movies. There have been entire books written on the subject, and the reason is simple: It’s a fear that many people share.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s very possible to overcome your fear of visiting the dentist near Manahawkin – and that’s a good thing, because overcoming that fear will let you get the care you need in order to maintain good oral health!


Here’s how to get over your fear of the dentist:

  1. Understand That Your Fears Are Normal

    – You’re not alone in being frightened of going to the dentist. Peter Milgrom, the director of the Dental Fears Research Clinic at the University of Washington, claims that upwards of 20 percent of U.S. citizens only go to the dentist when it is absolutely necessary to go. They avoid visits at other times due to fear. Up to 8 percent of people don’t go at ALL, with their decision also based in fear. When you understand that it’s normal to feel this way, it will be a good first step towards overcoming those fears.

  1. Get To Know Your Dentist As A Human Being

    – When you visit a dentist near Manahawkin, be sure you try to see them as a person, not as a clinical medical person in scrubs. Chat with them and get to know them. When you recognize that they are someone just like you, with interesting hobbies and families, you will help ease your anxiety.

  1. Book A Few Low-Pressure Appointments –

    Going to the dentist for a simple check-up is a great, low-stress way to get yourself comfortable with dental office visits. Even if you know you’re going to need dental work done, that doesn’t mean you have to get it done right away. Have a low key visit to your Ocean County dental office, get comfortable, , and relax. That will make future visits MUCH easier.

  1. Ask Your Dentist To Educate You

    – A good Ocean County dentist will talk to you before, during and after your appointment. Use this time to ease your fears. Have them tell you exactly what they are doing and how they’re doing it, and have them clarify why they’re doing it, too. Keep in mind, knowledge is power. When you have a better understanding of the process, you will then be more comfortable with it.

  1. Bring A Stress Reliever

    – Stress relief items like smooshy rubber balls can be helpful, so feel free to bring one with you. Your Barnegat dentist will understand! A major part of their job is to help make you comfortable. They want you to be at ease, so if it will help, bring it!

  1. Bring A Friend With You

    – Few things help us face our fears as the buddy system. If you are going in for a dental procedure that makes you a little nervous, ask a friend to come along on your appointment. They can give you the moral support that you’ll need to help get you get through your visit!

Trust us, your dentist wants you to be as relaxed as you can be, so follow this advice to ease your stress levels. Before you know it your dentist visits will feel routine!

Choosing the Right Toothpaste is IMPORTANT in Forked River!

Posted on: July 7th, 2021 by admin

We hope you’re using your toothpaste twice a day like you’re supposed to!  But remember, your dentist near Forked River will tell you it’s not just enough to brush. You have to choose the right type of toothpaste, too.

And yes, it is possible to select the wrong type of toothpaste. Not all toothpastes are created alike. These days there are a great many varieties of toothpastes which are designed to address a wide variety of dental needs. Knowing which is the best for your family is a basic part of making good healthcare decisions.

Thankfully, we’re here to help. Follow these five toothpaste tips and you’ll make the right choice every time:

1) Choose A Toothpaste With Fluoride

This one is probably obvious, but is worth including anyway: you want to choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride is one of the most vital ways in which brushing can help you battle cavities. And believe us, you are mistaken if you think that all toothpaste contains fluoride. There are many “natural” toothpaste brands that boast about being fluoride free. They may be good choices for children under six, but for adults, a fluoride toothpaste is recommended by your dental office near Forked River.

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/clean-mouth-teeth-dentist-40798/

2) Do You Need a Whitening Toothpaste?

When you scour the store shelves, it’s not unusual to see a large number of whitening toothpastes. As a general rule, these are fine options that in some cases may help slow down the staining from day-to-day habits like coffee drinking. In some extreme cases, these toothpastes may even be able to lighten your teeth by up to a shade (though keep in mind that results that good from whitening toothpastes alone are quite rare). That said, if you have sensitive teeth you should AVOID whitening toothpastes. These varieties often contain chemicals that can worsen your sensitivity, so keep that in mind when choosing your brand.

3) Who Will Be Using It?

By now you should realize that not all toothpastes are created alike thanks to common wisdom. The truth is, there are toothpastes designed for adults, some designed for children, and even some that should NOT be used by children. Be sure to read labels carefully so you have a strong understanding of who in your family should and should not be using the brand you purchase. Remember that toothpaste you chose may not be suitable for the whole family!

4) Check for The ADA Approval Logo

The American Dental Association puts its seal of acceptance onto toothpaste brands that are proven to be safe, effective, and part of a good routine of oral care. No matter the brand of toothpaste you choose, whether it be whitening, all natural, baking soda, etc., be sure it has the seal of approval by the ADA. That will give you peace of mind and let you know the toothpaste brand you chose is right for your teeth.

5) Inform Your Dentist About Any Chronic Dental Problems

It’s always a good idea to tell your dentist near Forked River if you are experiencing chronic tooth problems. These can include pain, temperature sensitivity, and more. Even if the problem is a minor one, your dentist may be able to recommend a type of toothpaste designed to assist with your issue. There are desensitizing toothpastes made for those with sensitive teeth, for example, and others.

Getting Over Your Fear of the Dentist is Easy!

Posted on: September 16th, 2020 by admin

Fear of the dentist is such a common fear it’s practically a movie cliché at this point. It has featured in sitcoms (Seinfeld’s hilarious dentist, Tim Whatley was played by Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston, and he was a very scary dentist) and in movies. There have been entire books written on the subject, and the reason is simple: It’s a fear that many people share.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s very possible to overcome your fear of visiting the dentist near Manahawkin – and that’s a good thing, because overcoming that fear will let you get the care you need in order to maintain good oral health!


Here’s how to get over your fear of the dentist:

  1. Understand That Your Fears Are Normal

    – You’re not alone in being frightened of going to the dentist. Peter Milgrom, the director of the Dental Fears Research Clinic at the University of Washington, claims that upwards of 20 percent of U.S. citizens only go to the dentist when it is absolutely necessary to go. They avoid visits at other times due to fear. Up to 8 percent of people don’t go at ALL, with their decision also based in fear. When you understand that it’s normal to feel this way, it will be a good first step towards overcoming those fears.

  1. Get To Know Your Dentist As A Human Being

    – When you visit a dentist near Manahawkin, be sure you try to see them as a person, not as a clinical medical person in scrubs. Chat with them and get to know them. When you recognize that they are someone just like you, with interesting hobbies and families, you will help ease your anxiety.

  1. Book A Few Low-Pressure Appointments –

    Going to the dentist for a simple check-up is a great, low-stress way to get yourself comfortable with dental office visits. Even if you know you’re going to need dental work done, that doesn’t mean you have to get it done right away. Have a low key visit to your Ocean County dental office, get comfortable, , and relax. That will make future visits MUCH easier.

  1. Ask Your Dentist To Educate You

    – A good Ocean County dentist will talk to you before, during and after your appointment. Use this time to ease your fears. Have them tell you exactly what they are doing and how they’re doing it, and have them clarify why they’re doing it, too. Keep in mind, knowledge is power. When you have a better understanding of the process, you will then be more comfortable with it.

  1. Bring A Stress Reliever

    – Stress relief items like smooshy rubber balls can be helpful, so feel free to bring one with you. Your Barnegat dentist will understand! A major part of their job is to help make you comfortable. They want you to be at ease, so if it will help, bring it!

  1. Bring A Friend With You

    – Few things help us face our fears as the buddy system. If you are going in for a dental procedure that makes you a little nervous, ask a friend to come along on your appointment. They can give you the moral support that you’ll need to help get you get through your visit!

Trust us, your dentist wants you to be as relaxed as you can be, so follow this advice to ease your stress levels. Before you know it your dentist visits will feel routine!

Your Oral Health is Tied to Your Overall Health. Here’s How

Posted on: July 13th, 2020 by admin

Your mouth is a funny place. Your body is fairly easy to keep clean and healthy when compared to your mouth. As long as you shower daily, eat right and get some exercise, generally speaking your body is going to treat you fairly well. Your mouth is another story. Your mouth is a place that is warm and wet, and that makes it a great place for germs and bacteria to thrive. It’s also filled with tiny little nooks and crannies that create perfect places for oral problems to begin. And finally, it acts as the gateway to your insides.

That’s why taking good care of your mouth requires some work on your part – just as your Southern Ocean County dental office tells you!

And make no mistake, it’s a relatively small effort that you’ll want to make, because your oral health is closely tied to your overall health. Here’s how:

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/group-of-people-having-fun-together-under-the-sun-708392/

Periodontal Disease

Some recent studies now prove there are links between periodontal disease and other oral afflictions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. dentists have found that they can often diagnose those conditions early in part by your oral health.

Good Digestion

Your every bodily function begins and ends with your body’s ability to turn food into energy, and that entire process begins in your mouth.

Heart Disease

It might seem to be counter intuitive that these two things would be linked, but a study from 2008 in the Journal of General Internal Medicine suggested that periodontal disease was a risk factor for heart disease. A few follow-up studies also appear to show that treating periodontal disease can also lower’s a person’s risk for heart disease.


Diabetes shows itself in a number of ways, among them in gum inflammation. This is something your dentist might notice, allowing you to spot early warning signs of the disease.

Preterm Labor

This is another that may surprise you. We now know that pregnancy increases the risk of gum disease and other oral maladies, and further, gum disease increases the risk of low birth weight and preterm labor. So these things are linked!


Earlier when we said your mouth was a good place for bacteria and germs to gather, we weren’t kidding. Under some conditions, breathing in germs may put you at an increased risk of developing pneumonia thanks to those factors. That’s a good reason to have good oral hygiene!


Current studies are still looking into this, but a few researchers believe that suffering from both osteoporosis and periodontal disease could lead to faster bone loss. That’s not really a risk you want to take then, is it?


This link still being studied, but it’s worth noting. A study published in the Journal of Periodontology is one of several trying to establish a connection between these two inflammatory disorders.

With all of the above in mind, it appears that a good idea is to follow the advice of your dentist in Ocean County when they tell you to do better at care of your mouth. Wouldn’t you agree?

By now you know what to do: Brush at least twice daily, ever day! Floss daily. Be sure to use mouthwash. Go for regular checkups with your dentist. Avoid food and drinks high in sugar. And so on.

Why? Because these things may seem minor, so small that sometimes you can’t be bothered to follow through, but they can play a role in protecting a much bigger, interconnected system – you body.

You’re Not Alone: MANY People Have These 5 Common Dental Problems

Posted on: December 26th, 2019 by admin

We all have mouths – life would be hard without one – and we all need to take care of them. The thing about oral health is that it’s a diverse area. Some dental problems are minor and some can be simply devastating. What sort of problems? Read along as we count down the five most common dental problems in America and to see just what is making people (and their teeth) suffer out there:

lion-teeth-pexels-photo-684215) Mouth Sores

There are many different types of mouth sores. Among the most common are canker sores, fever blisters, cold sores and ulcers. All of them can be terribly bothersome. The good news is, most mouth sores are never much more than a nuisance. They go away after a few weeks at most. Once in a while one can point to a bigger problem, so if a mouth sore lasts for more than two weeks be sure to see your dentist near Manahawkin. However, in most cases these are pretty low on the priority list of oral health problems to be concerned about.

4) Oral Cancer

Many other types of cancer get a lot more spotlight, but the truth is, some 300,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year. In fact, at any given time millions are affected by it. Like all types of cancer, it can be deadly if left untreated. It can also lead to severe damage to the mouth, lips and throat. The good news is that oral cancer is highly treatable if caught early – and the best way to catch it early is with regular visits to your dentist.

3) Gum Disease

Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease is when your gums become infected. This can start with simple gingivitis, but when gum disease progresses it can lead to tooth loss. In fact, gum disease is cited as the biggest cause of tooth loss among adults in America. The best way to combat this malady is by following the daily oral health routine suggested by your dentist near Manahawkin.

2) Cavities

Cavities, also known as tooth decay, is not just one of the most common oral health problems in the country, it’s actually one of the most common health problems overall, affecting about as many people as the common cold. Brushing twice a day, flossing, and watching what you eat are your best defenses against this common problem. Tooth decay is caused when plaque buildup and sugars combine to eat away at your tooth enamel and the teeth themselves. This is a problem where prevention is the best approach, because once it progresses too far there is no reversing it. It will take major dentistry to fix the issue.

1) Bad Breath

There is no oral health problem more common than bad breath, also known as halitosis. Bad breath can be caused by many things, but in the majority of cases – more than 4 out of 5 cases, in fact – a simple dental condition is to blame. They can include dry mouth, cavities, gum disease, bacteria on the tongue and others. All of these can all be causes of bad breath. If you have persistent bad breath, you should visit your dental office, because mouth wash only covers the problem, it doesn’t cure it.

6 Big Reasons Why People Get Dental Implants

Posted on: November 6th, 2019 by admin

These days, few dental procedures are becoming more commonplace than getting dental implants.

To put it in the most basic terms, a dental implant is an artificial root used to support various dental prosthesis, such as dentures, crowns, and so on. They are a part of a wide array of procedures, from some types of false teeth to full dental reconstruction.

Our doctors at Bayside work with experienced surgeons and coordinate your care through each phase of treatment. Once the surgeon has placed the implant or implants, our doctors can finish your case with beautifully fabricated restorations, whether it is a single crown (“cap”), bridge or even a full denture.


What kinds of people get dental implants?

  • Those who have lost a tooth or teeth in an accident
  • Those facing major tooth replacement due to decay
  • Athletes who lost teeth during competition
  • Actors and models seeking to improve their smile
  • Older patients who do not want traditional dentures
  • Anyone who is missing teeth

As you can see, dental implants cover a wide range of people and a wide variety of needs. With such a broad demographic, you might assume that the reasons people get dental implants are just as varied.

That assumption would be correct. Here are just a few of the reasons why patients seek out dental implants from their dentist in Southern Ocean County:

  • Prevent Jawbone Loss – Choosing a fixed bridge over a dental implant means your jawbone will begin to deteriorate. A root tooth is required to adequately stimulate the bone. A dental implant supplies that stimulation.
  • Maintain Your Appearance – No dental reconstruction procedure goes further in maintaining your appearance than dental implants in Barnegat. This is because other procedures can result in a “sunken” appearance around your jaw, among other issues.
  • Help You Speak Better – Unlike other procedures, dental implants effectively recreate the condition your jaw should be in. Other procedures can impact the way you speak, forcing you to relearn certain ways of speaking. This is not the case with dental implants.
  • Longer Lasting – Most other dental restoration procedures do not last nearly as long as dental implants do.
  • More Permanent Than Traditional Dentures – Traditional dentures have been a necessity for some people, but no one likes them. Dental implants can replace traditional dentures with a more permanent, more comfortable option.
  • Prevent Shifting Of Your Teeth – When there is an empty space in your jaw, your teeth have a natural tendency to shift into that space. In time, this will result in crooked teeth. Dental implants will prevent this.

Based on the above, the reasons why people in Southern Ocean County get dental implants should be obvious. No matter how you look at them, they are superior to traditional dentures and tooth replacement.


They are catching on nationwide, too. Consider these facts:

  • 3 million Americans now have dental implants
  • 10 percent of dentists now perform the procedure
  • Dental implants are a $1 billion market in the United States
  • The success rate for dental implants is 98 percent
  • Only modern materials, such as titanium alloys, are used in dental implants
  • The surgery is painless
  • Dental implants cannot get cavities

We pride ourselves in having educated, knowledgeable patients. That is why it comes as little surprise to us that when people from Southern Ocean County visit, many are quick to ask about dental implants.

Because the bottom line is that dental implants work better than the other options.