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The Ultimate Guide to Tooth Enamel: What It Is, Its Importance, and How to Maintain It

Posts Tagged ‘ dental facts ’

The Ultimate Guide to Tooth Enamel: What It Is, Its Importance, and How to Maintain It

Posted on: April 10th, 2024 by admin

Tooth enamel. You have probably heard your local dentist mention it a lot. Tooth enamel is the hard, outermost layer of your teeth that protects them from decay and damage. Despite being the strongest substance in your body, enamel can become eroded due to factors like poor dental hygiene, acidic foods, and excessive alcohol, tobacco, or drug use. When enamel wears down, it can lead to sensitivity, toothache, and infection. But with proper care and attention, you can strengthen your tooth enamel and maintain good oral health.

What is Tooth Enamel?

Tooth enamel is a translucent, calcified substance that covers the top (crown) and sides (root) of your teeth. Made up of 96% minerals such as calcium and phosphate, enamel is the hardest and most mineralized tissue in your body. Enamel is nonliving and cannot regenerate once it’s lost, which is why it’s essential to preserve it as much as possible.

The Role of Tooth Enamel in Your Health

The main roles of tooth enamel are to protect your teeth from damage, provide a smooth surface for chewing and biting, and give your teeth their white appearance. Enamel acts as a barrier against harmful bacteria, acid, and sugar that can cause cavities and decay. Healthy tooth enamel also helps maintain proper dental alignment and improves speech. Without enamel, your teeth become more vulnerable to decay and cavity formation.

Things That Are Good for Your Tooth Enamel

To maintain strong and healthy tooth enamel, you need to consume foods and drinks that are rich in minerals and nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus. Some examples include dairy products, leafy greens, nuts, and fish. Drinking plenty of water can also help wash away harmful bacteria and acid from your mouth. Furthermore, incorporating fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash into your oral hygiene routine can strengthen your tooth enamel and prevent decay.

Things That Are Bad for Your Tooth Enamel

Certain habits and substances can weaken and erode your tooth enamel over time. Avoid consuming too many sugary or acidic foods and drinks, such as soda, sweets, citrus fruits, and sports drinks. Limit your alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, as these can all contribute to tooth decay and wear. Additionally, don’t brush your teeth too hard or with insufficient fluoride toothpaste, as this can also wear down your enamel.

How to Maintain Healthy Tooth Enamel

Regular dental checkups and cleanings are crucial for maintaining healthy tooth enamel and preventing decay and infection. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day and use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash as needed. Be aware of any tooth sensitivity or discomfort, as this may be a sign of enamel erosion. Your dentist may recommend treatments like sealants, fluoride varnish, or fillings to protect and restore your enamel. By maintaining good oral hygiene and healthy lifestyle habits, you can keep your tooth enamel strong and healthy.

Tooth enamel plays a vital role in your oral health and overall wellbeing. It’s essential to take steps to preserve and strengthen your enamel, including consuming a nutritious diet, avoiding harmful substances, and practicing good oral hygiene. Don’t ignore any signs of enamel erosion or decay, as early detection and treatment can prevent further damage and improve your dental health. By taking care of your tooth enamel, you can enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile for years to come.

For more tips, be sure to visit your local dentist in Ocean County, NJ on a regular basis!

Discovering the Truth about your Tongue: A Guide to Keeping it Clean and Healthy

Posted on: January 11th, 2024 by admin

Your tongue is a vital organ that plays numerous roles in your body such as tasting, speaking, and swallowing. It’s a muscle with an intricate network of nerves, blood vessels, and taste buds that work together to ensure that you enjoy all the different flavors of your favorite foods. Furthermore, your tongue is also a great indicator of your overall health, as certain conditions often manifest with symptoms on your tongue. Let’s take a closer look at the different ailments that can affect your tongue and the best practices to keep it clean and healthy for optimal well-being.

1. Common Ailments of the Tongue

Your tongue can develop numerous ailments that reflect underlying medical conditions or oral hygiene issues. One of the more common conditions that affect the tongue is thrush, which is a fungal infection that causes painful and white sores on your tongue. Another common ailment is geographic tongue, which results in a map-like appearance on the surface of your tongue. Tongue sores may also be indicative of oral cancer or vitamin deficiencies. It is, therefore, crucial to seek professional advice if you experience persistent tongue sores, lesions, or any other irregularities.

2. How to Keep Your Tongue Clean and Healthy

Keeping your tongue clean and healthy should be part of your daily oral hygiene routine. You can start with regular brushing of your tongue using a soft-bristled brush or a tongue scraper. This practice helps to remove food particles, bacteria, dead cells, and fungi that accumulate on your tongue. You can also rinse your mouth with a mouthwash containing antiseptic agents that kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Drinking plenty of water helps to eliminate bacteria and toxins from your mouth and keep your tongue well hydrated.

3. The Importance of Diet in Tongue Health

Your diet plays a vital role in maintaining the health of your tongue. Consuming a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals can help to boost immunity and prevent the development of tongue problems. Include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources like fish and chicken in your diet. Avoid consuming excess sugary or acidic foods and beverages, which can erode tooth enamel and cause painful tongue sores.

4. Knowing When to See a Doctor for Tongue Issues

While cleaning your tongue regularly is an essential part of maintaining good oral hygiene, it is crucial to seek professional advice if you experience any tongue problems. Common signs that you need to see a doctor include persistent tongue pain, swelling, sores, ulcers, or any other unusual changes in your tongue’s appearance. In some cases, your tongue issues may be a sign of an underlying medical condition that requires prompt intervention.

5. The Connection Between Oral Hygiene and Overall Health

Good oral hygiene practices like cleaning your tongue regularly can help prevent detrimental impacts on your overall health. Research has shown that poor oral hygiene can lead to numerous medical conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and respiratory infections. When you keep your tongue clean and healthy, you reduce your risk of bacteria accumulation in your mouth, which is one of the leading causes of these medical conditions.

Your tongue is an essential organ that plays a vital role in your overall health and well-being. Keeping it clean and healthy is easy, and it should be part of your daily oral hygiene routine. Ensure that you brush or scrape your tongue daily, consume a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and seek professional advice from your Ocean County dentist if you experience any problems with your tongue. Maintaining good oral hygiene is critical to reducing the risk of oral diseases and promoting better overall health.

These 16 Facts About Dental Implants Will Blow Your Mind

Posted on: April 19th, 2023 by admin

There have been many amazing advances in dental technology over the years, from braces to teeth whitening and more. Many of those scanners and machines you see used at the dentist office near Manahawkin seem like something out of a science fiction movie!

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-and-white-mouth-plastic-toy-and-food-plastic-toys-1073776/

The same holds true for medicine in general. For example, the images provided by an MRI machine and the astonishing technology behind artificial hearts is truly impressive.

There have been so many big advances in modern medicine and surgery, in fact, that it’s easy to  take them for granted.

For instance, there is one big leap forward in dental technology that you probably see every day of your life without even realizing you’re seeing it. This dental technology that has improved countless lives, offered people a greater sense of self-confidence, and improved their overall health. Despite this, you probably don’t even realize it exists.

We’re talking about dental implants, and they are more amazing than you realize.

How amazing? Check out these facts offered by your local dentist near Forked River:

  1. Dental braces date all the way back to about 2,000 BC.
  2. More advanced dental implants date back to at least 600 AD.
  3. The Mayans  in pre-Colombian South America used pieces of shell to replace lost teeth.
  4. The ancient Greeks often thought about better ways to straighten their teeth or replace lost teeth.
  5. We’ve been brushing our teeth for thousands of years, but the modern bristle toothbrush was “only” invented in China around the year 600 – about 1,400 years ago!
  6. Over two thirds of Americans between the ages of 35 and 44 suffer from having at least one missing tooth.
  7. About 25 percent of people in the United States over the age of 74 have lost all their teeth.
  8. About 30 million people in the United States are missing ALL their teeth in at least one jaw.
  9. Every single year, round 500,000 people get dental implants to help improve their quality of life
  10. More than 5.5 million dental implants have been provided to patients in America through the year 2006.
  11. These days, dental implants are proven to be safe, and have a long safety record under their belt that goes back decades
  12. Modern dental implants are generally made of highly durable titanium.
  13. Strange as it sounds, titanium can actually fuse with bone. That means that implants can help stimulate bone growth.
  14. Believe it or not, it’s impossible to get a cavity in a modern dental implant!
  15. Dental implants have a well documented success rate that reaches 98%.
  16. In most cases, modern dental implants will last your entire life.

Pretty impressive stuff, isn’t it! In fact, the market for dental implants has eclipsed $1 billion a year. It continues to grow today, too.

If you are missing teeth or have other issues that may require dental implants, see your dentist near Forked River for details on how this can be addressed. It’s surprisingly common, surprisingly easy, and will give you a surprisingly improved quality of life.