A lot of you are scared of going to your dental office near Manahawkin. We understand. We’re not insulted. That is actually a common feeling that is not all that unusual to hear about.
Are you among those people who are afraid to go to the dentist? If so, you probably share one of these common reasons expressed by others who have the same fears:
- You’re afraid of pain
- You’re afraid of getting bad news
- You have memories of a bad experience
- You are afraid of being scolded for not taking care of your teeth
- You have general anxiety
These are the most common reasons mentioned by those who are afraid of going to the dentist near Manahawkin. The good news is, though these reasons may be commonplace, they are relatively easy to overcome. Consider these facts:

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/men-s-gray-crew-neck-shirt-160914/
You’re Afraid of Pain
The fact of the matter is, these days your visit your dentist is almost certain to be pain free. Modern dental technology and the techniques they use have improved by leaps and bounds when compared to the old days. Dental office procedures these days are now easier and more painless than ever before.
You’re afraid to Get Bad News
Many people avoid going to the dentist because they don’t want to learn that they might need to get major work done. The reality of the situation, though, is that if you have taken care of your mouth in the way you should, it’s highly unlikely you’ll get the bad news you are fearing. If you DO happen to get bad news, don’t worry. You shouldn’t see it as bad. It’s the opposite! Catching a problem early when there is still a chance to fix it is great news!
You Have Memories of a Bad Experience
You might have been scared at the dentist when you were a child, but let’s be honest, kids are scared of many things they don’t need to be scared of. You’re an adult now, older, wiser, and smarter.
You’re Afraid of Being Scolded
This one is more common than you might think. People just don’t like to be told they’ve been doing something wrong or not doing it well! Just remember that if your dentist has input for you about your oral health habits, it’s for a good reason. Your dentist is there to look out for you! Also keep in mind that what they point out to you now can mean avoiding more dental treatments in the future.
You Have General Anxiety
If you have general anxiety about doctor visits, or just anxiety in general then your fear of the dentist may be a manifestation of that. Look for ways to cope that have worked best for you in other aspects of life so that when you do visit your dentist you can tell them about your anxiety and they can help you through it. Your dentist will be happy to do everything possible to make the experience more pleasant for you.
Most of all, the important thing to remember is that your dentist is there to help you lead a healthier, happier life. That’s his or her job.
So the next time you get a knot in your stomach when you have a trip to the dentist coming up, think about the above and let that knot unravel!
Tags: dental advice, dental office, dentist, dentist office, dentist visit, fear, fear of dentist, Ocean County dentist