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5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip Your Checkup

March 27, 2024 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Skip Your Checkup

It’s easy to put off a dentist appointment, especially if you’re feeling healthy. But did you know that skipping your checkup could actually lead to bigger problems down the road? Here are 5 reasons why it’s important to see your dentist near Manahawkin on a regular basis:

1. Prevention

Visiting the dentist regularly is the best way to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Regular checkups can help catch any issues early, allowing your dentist to provide quick treatment before they become more serious.

2. Early Detection

Seeing your dentist every six months gives them the opportunity to detect signs of oral cancer, an often fatal but treatable condition that’s usually found in its early stages through regular dental exams.

3. Healthy Teeth & Gums

Regular cleanings remove tartar buildup and unhealthy bacteria from teeth and gums that can lead to cavities and gum disease—so if you want a healthy smile, don’t skip your checkup!

4. Save Money

Treating an issue when it’s minor often costs much less than waiting until it becomes more severe. Your dentist can help you address smaller problems before they become expensive to repair.

5. Overall Health

Oral health is closely linked to overall health, so regularly visiting your dentist helps keep your whole body healthy. Research suggests that oral health can even be a predictor of some serious conditions like heart disease and stroke.

Seeing your dentist near Manahawkin twice a year is an important part of maintaining good oral health—so don’t skip out on this important checkup! Schedule an appointment today and reap the benefits of a healthy mouth!


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