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Start planning your Jersey Shore vacation NOW!

Archive for February, 2025

Start planning your Jersey Shore vacation NOW!

Posted on: February 26th, 2025 by admin

Summer will be here before you know it, so if you want a Jersey Shore vacation, the time to start planning is NOW!

On Fridays during the summer, the Garden State Parkway and New Jersey Turnpike are often backed up with traffic. These aren’t people going home from work or on their way to the world’s largest pizza party. They are coming to the beautiful New Jersey Coast – and since our dentist office in Ocean County is right near the coast, we have a great fondness for the area!

No wonder Long Beach Island rentals, bungalows in Barnegat, apartments in Belmar, weekend homes in Point Pleasant and more are so popular each summer.

The New Jersey coast is not all created equal, however. Choosing one town over the other can be the difference between finding yourself in the middle of MTV’s “Jersey Shore” and relaxing in a quaint, historic community, so choose carefully!

If you plan to invest in a summer home at the Jersey Shore or to enjoy a vacation along the coast, these are a few of the communities you should be sure to consider when deciding to take a weekend, week, or even the rest of your life away with the family.

Point Pleasant Beach

This is a community that endeavors to straddle the line between a vibrant, active resort community and a quiet, peaceful ocean town. Indeed, this is a town that offers the architectural charm of yesteryear as well as the appeal of great dining and excellent shopping. The residential neighborhoods of Point Pleasant Beach are quiet, but the downtown is often bus with shoppers. Also busy is the boardwalk, which has the area’s only aquarium. There you will find rides, games, places to see bands playing music, and more.

Long Beach Island

The fact is, Long Beach Island (along with nearby communities like Manahawkin) is in high demand for a reason. This stretch of coastal barrier island remains one of the New Jersey coast’s most desirable places to both live and to vacation. Boasting plenty of bay and ocean facing property, it also has shopping, historic sites, and more. Even better, while there are plenty of things to do within a short walk or drive, the town itself is calm enough so that even retirees find this to be a small slice of heaven.

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/macro-photography-of-black-sunglasses-on-sand-1209610/


The small oceanfront and bay community of Barnegat, where our dentist office in Ocean County are located, is a popular place for families thanks to its lovely beaches, paths, and docks for fishing and crabbing – not to mention its historic lighthouse. There are more than a few small shops run by residents of the town, as well as waterfront property along both the ocean and the bay. Barnegat is on Long Beach Island, so when we say that Long Beach Island has been increasingly popular in recent years thanks to its quaint, small town feel we include this town in the observation.


Not unlike Point Pleasant Beach, the Borough of Belmar offers quiet shore living as well as attractions that will appeal to more energetic visitors. Quaint neighborhoods with snug coastal homes are just a short walk away from some of the New Jersey coast’s most active and popular nightclubs. Set that alongside some of the best fishing on the East Coast, a historic boating community, and a downtown that is a throwback to communities of eras long gone and it’s easy to see why people flock to Belmar each year.

Any one of these communities could serve at the perfect place for your New Jersey vacation or retirement!

You’re Not Alone: These Oral Health Problems Are More Common Than You Think

Posted on: February 19th, 2025 by admin

We all have mouths – life would be hard without one – and we all need to take care of them. The thing about oral health is that it’s a diverse area. Some dental problems are minor and some can be simply devastating. What sort of problems? Read along as we count down the five most common dental problems in America and to see just what is making people (and their teeth) suffer out there:

5) Mouth Sores

There are many different types of mouth sores. Among the most common are canker sores, fever blisters, cold sores and ulcers. All of them can be terribly bothersome. The good news is, most mouth sores are never much more than a nuisance. They go away after a few weeks at most. Once in a while one can point to a bigger problem, so if a mouth sore lasts for more than two weeks be sure to see your dentist near Manahawkin. However, in most cases these are pretty low on the priority list of oral health problems to be concerned about.

4) Oral Cancer

Many other types of cancer get a lot more spotlight, but the truth is, some 300,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year. In fact, at any given time millions are affected by it. Like all types of cancer, it can be deadly if left untreated. It can also lead to severe damage to the mouth, lips and throat. The good news is that oral cancer is highly treatable if caught early – and the best way to catch it early is with regular visits to your dentist.

3) Gum Disease

Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease is when your gums become infected. This can start with simple gingivitis, but when gum disease progresses it can lead to tooth loss. In fact, gum disease is cited as the biggest cause of tooth loss among adults in America. The best way to combat this malady is by following the daily oral health routine suggested by your dentist near Manahawkin.

2) Cavities

Cavities, also known as tooth decay, is not just one of the most common oral health problems in the country, it’s actually one of the most common health problems overall, affecting about as many people as the common cold. Brushing twice a day, flossing, and watching what you eat are your best defenses against this common problem. Tooth decay is caused when plaque buildup and sugars combine to eat away at your tooth enamel and the teeth themselves. This is a problem where prevention is the best approach, because once it progresses too far there is no reversing it. It will take major dentistry to fix the issue.

1) Bad Breath

There is no oral health problem more common than bad breath, also known as halitosis. Bad breath can be caused by many things, but in the majority of cases – more than 4 out of 5 cases, in fact – a simple dental condition is to blame. They can include dry mouth, cavities, gum disease, bacteria on the tongue and others. All of these can all be causes of bad breath. If you have persistent bad breath, you should visit your dental office, because mouth wash only covers the problem, it doesn’t cure it.

5 Signs it’s time to see a dentist NOW!

Posted on: February 12th, 2025 by admin

If you’re like most people, you’ll invent a host of reasons to avoid seeing your dentist. Don’t worry, we’re not insulted. We’re used to it by now!

But the fact of the matter is, if you begin to experience one of these five conditions, you really need to see your Barnegat dentist as soon as possible. It may help you avoid a lot of misery down the road!


A toothache is nothing to take lightly. The pain you’re experiencing is a sign that something is wrong. You may feel as if you can tolerate the pain or that you can “tough it out,” but letting a toothache go unaddressed is asking for trouble. Whatever the cause of your pain, your condition could worsen. In a worst case scenario, you could even end up losing the tooth. Better to address it early, when there’s a good possibility the issue can be fixed with minimal fuss.

Chronic Bad Breath

Everyone gets bad breath every now and then. It’s common and can be easily triggered by the things we eat. A normal bout of bad breath is nothing to worry about. Chronic bad breath, on the other hand, is a sign of deeper problems that must be addressed. It may be “only” as serious as gum disease, which you’ll want to catch early to begin treatment. It can also be a sign of more serious issues than that. If you suffer from chronic bad breath, it’s important to have your dentist take a look as soon as possible so serious problems can be treated early.

Cracked or Chipped Teeth

One of the most common problems any dentist in Ocean County, NJ near Forked River will deal with are cracked and chipped teeth. The good news is that modern cosmetic dentistry is effective and affordable, with many options available to you. The bad news is, left unaddressed, some issues like this become more than a cosmetic issue. Cracked teeth can cause persistent pain and can lead to serious infections that may put your other teeth in danger, too. Even if you don’t mind how they look, at the very least you should have your dentist examine them to be sure your teeth are in no danger of future issues.

Jaw Pain

Pain in the jaw can come from a number of courses, including toothaches, sinus infections, and more. If you are feeling persistent jaw pain, have it examined by your Ocean County, NJ dentist near Manahawkin to determine the source of the problem. As with anything, the key to avoiding serious issues is to catch them early.

Bleeding Gums

If you experience bleeding gums during/after brushing, there may be an issue that needs addressing. In many cases bleeding gums are merely caused by improper brushing techniques. That is easy to fix. In other cases, however, they may be a sign of gingivitis or other underlying issues. As with all such issues, catching them early gives you the best chance of avoiding more serious complications.

If you experience any of these conditions and live in Barnegat, Forked River / Lacey, Manahawkin, or other areas of Southern Ocean County, call to make an appointment today!

Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth

Posted on: February 4th, 2025 by admin

Have you ever wondered why we have wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last of our permanent 32 adult teeth to come in. By adulthood, most people have four wisdom teeth located at the corners of our mouths – one at the top and one at the bottom on each side. These teeth serve a variety of purposes, from helping us chew tough foods to aiding with facial appearance. But what else should you know about wisdom teeth? This article will provide a comprehensive overview and answer all your questions about these intriguing little pieces of anatomy.

The average age for wisdom teeth to come in is between 17 and 25 years old. They often appear much later than other permanent teeth, which usually come in during childhood. As the last ones to arrive, they are increasingly susceptible to overcrowding due to lack of space within the jawbone. When this happens, impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, infection, and other dental complications.

Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure due to overcrowding and other complications such as misalignment, decay, or cysts. It typically takes place in a dentist’s office under local anesthesia, although more serious cases may require general anesthesia or hospitalization. After wisdom teeth are removed, the area is usually stitched up and patients should expect to experience some pain, swelling, and bleeding.

In addition to removal, there are several other treatments available for wisdom teeth that range from fillings and extractions to bone grafts and root canals. The best way to determine whether or not you need treatment is by visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups. Your dentist will be able to detect any potential issues or problems that may need to be addressed.

Wisdom teeth are an important part of our anatomy and can play a vital role in the overall health of our mouths. However, it is important to remember that overcrowding can lead to serious dental complications if not addressed properly. If you’re concerned about your wisdom teeth or think you may need treatment, speak with your dentist immediately.

Tips for dealing with wisdom tooth pain include:


  • Taking over-the-counter pain medications as recommended by your dentist.
  • Applying a cold compress to the affected area.
  • Avoiding hard foods and tough chewing motions.
  • Practicing good oral hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing regularly.
  • Applying topical or prescribed anesthetics if suggested by your dentist.
  • Refraining from smoking and drinking alcohol.

By taking the necessary precautions, you can help to minimize any potential discomfort, as well as reduce the risk of infection following wisdom tooth removal. If you have any questions or concerns about your wisdom teeth, it’s always best to talk to your dentist for professional advice.