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10 Things You Should Know About Flossing

Archive for March, 2023

10 Things You Should Know About Flossing

Posted on: March 29th, 2023 by admin

Look, we understand. A lot of people just don’t like to floss. In fact, up to half of all Americans don’t floss as often as they should.

But since flossing helps protect you from oral infections, bad breath, gum disease and more, this is really not a good thing!

Take a look at these 10 things you may not know about flossing and perhaps you’ll change your mind about this all-important hygiene habit.

  1. Some dentists in Southern Ocean County recommend flossing before you brush, not after, to help the fluoride from your toothpaste get between your teeth. However, this advice is not universal. There remains debate over whether or not this actually has any impact. Most dentists agree, though, that the most important thing is that you floss in the first place.
  2. If your gums bleed when you floss, you may be flossing improperly or at irregular intervals. Flossing on a regular basis with a good technique is essential.
  3. If you are not using clean floss for each tooth, you risk transferring bacteria around your mouth!
  4. Floss comes in flavors. You can find all the expected stuff – mint flavors, fruit flavors – and even bacon!
  5. If you have bridgework or wider spaces between your teeth, it may be best to use wide floss, also known as dental tape. This will give better coverage and ensure they remain cleaner and healthier.
  6. If you have closely spaced teeth, consider using waxed floss. This can be easier to slide between your teeth.
  7. Listen for the squeaking sound. You can hear when unwaxed floss is moving against clean teeth. This tells you that plaque has been removed.
  8. According to the American Dental Association, only about 50% of Americans floss daily, and 18% don’t floss at ALL.
  9. 27 percent of people LIE about how often they floss!
  10. If using floss feels weird to you, ask your Barnegat dental hygienist about other options. There are products that can provide the same sort of cleaning, including rubber-tips cleaners, pre-threaded flossers, tiny brushes, and more.

If you want to learn more about the importance of flossing, good flossing techniques, and how we can help, reach out to us at 609-698-1155 to set up an appointment with our hygienist, or contact us on Facebook.

Cosmetic Dentistry and Teeth Whitening is a Makeover!

Posted on: March 22nd, 2023 by admin

Reinventing oneself and undergoing makeovers are more acceptable in today’s society. Before, these things are only regarded as something superficial. Through the years, there is an increased awareness about mental health. People realize that makeovers are excellent ways to cope with self-image issues, and this includes cosmetic dentistry in Manahawkin.

Take an Honest Self- assessment

Some people find their dental issues bothersome not only on a surface level. If you are looking into undergoing a smile makeover, you have to ask yourself the purpose behind it. It could be for a boost in self-confidence or it could be because of health reasons. It would be easier to go through the process if you know your motivation.

Also, you have to look back on the reasons that brought you your dental issues. Discolored teeth can result from smoking. Cracks in your teeth may be a result of a poor diet or teeth-grinding habits. A smile makeover is not only about reinventing your smile. It also involves making some lifestyle changes.

Weigh the Benefits and Inconveniences

There are many benefits to a better set of teeth. One will feel a change with their physical health. A better set of teeth could help in digesting food, having a healthier heart, or getting better sleep. Also, a better set of teeth can help you interact better with people around you. You can gain confidence every time you smile.

There are some disadvantages that you have to consider too. One of them is the cost of such procedures. You have to see if you can fund such an endeavor. Another is that it may take some time to complete some treatments. Many visits to a dental clinic in Forked River may translate to a day off work. See if your job or your schedule can accommodate these dental visits. You must also be ready for some adverse effects after the treatment. Gauge if you can tolerate some minor lifestyle changes until you reach full recovery.

Plan and Research

Did you surpass the first two steps and are still decided to have a dental makeover? Then, you can start acting on it. The foolproof way to succeed in having a dental makeover is to plan and research. Find the best dentist that you think can address your dental issues. It is someone that you would be comfortable working with. You may also consider someone who can answer all your queries.

Research on the type of cosmetic dental procedure that you need. These procedures range from the simplest which is teeth whitening. Veneers, implants, or crowns address missing or chipped teeth. You can also look into orthodontics for better alignment of your teeth. Discuss with your dentist how to go about the whole treatment plan.

Gather the Courage to Do It

Once you have discussed everything with your dentist, you must push through with it. Make sure to be present at each appointment until you complete the set of procedures. Remember to respect the process and not hasten it. Remind yourself that you are reinventing an aspect of yourself. You are not looking for a quick fix only.

Follow the special instructions of your dentist as you go along with your treatment. These extra directives may lessen some adverse effects that you might experience.

Stay Committed

One of the pitfalls of a smile makeover is when a patient fails to follow through after the treatment. A smile makeover is not a magic formula that will give you a perfect set of teeth forever. Even with these advanced treatments, the bulk of the success will come after.

Good oral hygiene is a must to maintain your new and brighter smile. You have to commit to being more vigilant on how you take care of your teeth. This includes everyday cleaning routines, avoidance of vices, and choosing healthy foods.

To help you stay committed, you may have visual reminders. Post pictures of your teeth before and after your smile makeover. This will remind you of what you have succeeded to do.

Reinventing your smile through cosmetic dental procedures in Manahawkin is an empowering choice. Enjoy the change and do not be apologetic to some people who may not understand yet this concept. Aim to educate that these procedures are not a sign of narcissism but an act of self-love.

Madarosis: What You Need to Know

Posted on: March 19th, 2023 by admin

Madarosis is a medical term that refers to losing one or more eyelashes. Several diseases and conditions, including infection, trauma, and certain medications, can cause it. Here are some causes, diagnoses, and treatment options for madarosis.

What Causes Madarosis?

Many different diseases and conditions can cause madarosis. Some of the most common causes include infection (such as staphylococcus or herpes simplex virus), trauma (such as a physical injury or chemical burn), and medications (such as chemotherapy). It can also be caused by skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, and alopecia areata. Sometimes, madarosis can be caused by an underlying systemic disease like diabetes or HIV. Here are other risk factors:


Age is one of the most critical risk factors for madarosis. As people age, their hair follicles can become damaged, leading to hair loss in both scalp and body hair, such as eyebrows and eyelashes. Studies have found that madarosis is more common in older individuals than younger ones, with the prevalence increasing significantly after age 60.


Gender is also associated with an increased risk of madarosis. For example, women are more likely to suffer from madarosis than men due to hormonal changes related to pregnancy and menopause and other gender-specific issues such as alopecia areata (an autoimmune disorder).

Skin Diseases

Certain skin diseases can also increase the risk of developing madarosis. Some of these include psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, lichen planus, and atopic dermatitis (also known as eczema). These skin conditions disrupt the normal functioning of the skin’s oil glands which can lead to an increased incidence of eyebrow and eyelash loss or thinning. Medications & Treatments Finally, certain medications used to treat cancer or other diseases can cause a side effect called chemodenervation which results in temporary hair loss in areas such as the face and scalp.

How is Madarosis Diagnosed?

The first step in diagnosing madarosis is to rule out potentially reversible causes. Your doctor may physically examine your eyes or order laboratory tests to determine if any underlying medical conditions are causing the hair loss.

If no reversible reason is found, your doctor may refer you to an ophthalmologist for further testing. The ophthalmologist may then use a microscope to examine the lashes closely for signs of infection or damage. Additionally, your doctor may order blood tests to check for signs of systemic illness that could explain hair loss.

Managing Madarosis

Madarosis is a chronic condition; managing it usually requires a long-term approach. However, here are some ways to deal with it.

Cosmetic Products

There are now cosmetic products that can help improve the way your eyebrows look. Certain products, such as Anastasia dip brow pomade, can help darken the hair and help thicken and condition the eyelashes. This is great if you want to cover the effects of Madarosis on your eyebrows.

Prescription Medications

Your doctor may prescribe topical or oral medications to treat madarosis. Topical drugs such as steroids, minoxidil, or latanoprost can stimulate the growth of new lashes. Oral medications such as finasteride or spironolactone can also be prescribed to treat hormone-related madarosis.


In some cases, surgery may be an option for treating madarosis. Your doctor may recommend a procedure known as lash grafting, which involves transplanting healthy lashes from another area of the body to replace those that have been lost. This procedure is usually done as a last resort and can be expensive.

Alternative Therapies

Some people find alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, helpful in treating madarosis. Acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat various conditions, including hair loss. It involves stimulating points on the body with needles to restore energy flow and balance. There is limited evidence that it may be effective in treating madarosis, but more research is needed to confirm this.

Madarosis is a condition caused by various diseases and conditions that can lead to the loss of eyelashes. It’s essential to seek medical advice if you think you may be affected by madarosis to ensure an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. With the right approach, managing the condition and improving your overall appearance is possible.


Don’t Skip Your Checkup: 5 Reasons to See Your Dentist

Posted on: March 15th, 2023 by admin

It’s easy to put off a dentist appointment, especially if you’re feeling healthy. But did you know that skipping your checkup could actually lead to bigger problems down the road? Here are 5 reasons why it’s important to see your dentist near Manahawkin on a regular basis:

1. Prevention

Visiting the dentist regularly is the best way to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Regular checkups can help catch any issues early, allowing your dentist to provide quick treatment before they become more serious.

2. Early Detection

Seeing your dentist every six months gives them the opportunity to detect signs of oral cancer, an often fatal but treatable condition that’s usually found in its early stages through regular dental exams.

3. Healthy Teeth & Gums

Regular cleanings remove tartar buildup and unhealthy bacteria from teeth and gums that can lead to cavities and gum disease—so if you want a healthy smile, don’t skip your checkup!

4. Save Money

Treating an issue when it’s minor often costs much less than waiting until it becomes more severe. Your dentist can help you address smaller problems before they become expensive to repair.

5. Overall Health

Oral health is closely linked to overall health, so regularly visiting your dentist helps keep your whole body healthy. Research suggests that oral health can even be a predictor of some serious conditions like heart disease and stroke.

Seeing your dentist near Manahawkin twice a year is an important part of maintaining good oral health—so don’t skip out on this important checkup! Schedule an appointment today and reap the benefits of a healthy mouth!


25 Fascinating Facts About Animal Teeth

Posted on: March 8th, 2023 by admin

We all know that animals have teeth, but did you know that some animals have some pretty crazy teeth? Needless to say, as dentists near Waretown, we have an interest in teeth. In this article, we will discuss 25 fascinating facts about animal teeth. From the kangaroo rat, which has incisors that never stop growing, to the narwhal, which has a tusk that is actually a tooth, there are plenty of interesting things to learn about animal dentition!

1. The largest teeth in the world are found on the sperm whale, and they can reach up to 17 inches long!

2. Narwhals have an iconic tusk that is actually a large tooth which can grow up to 10 feet long!

3. Aardvarks have no upper incisors but their lower incisors can grow up to 3 inches long and they use them to dig burrows in the ground.

4. Hippos have incredibly strong teeth; they are able to crush bones with just one bite!

5. Elephants’ molars never stop growing throughout their life, some measuring over 7 inches wide!

6. Walruses possess two sets of teeth, one for their upper jaw and another for their lower.

7. The kangaroo rat has incisors that never stop growing, which they use to cut through tough vegetation.

8. Crocodiles have up to 80 teeth in their mouths, but they lose and replace them throughout their lives!

9. Sloths can rotate each of their six lower front teeth independently so they are able to chew on leaves no matter how thick or tough they may be.

10. Koalas have sharp cheekteeth which help them grind up the tough eucalyptus leaves that make up most of its diet.

11. Pigs can have between 20-40 teeth in their mouths, and their lower teeth are particularly sharp for cutting through tough vegetation.

12. Horses have between 40-44 teeth which they use to grind down tough plants like grasses and hay.

13. Tigers have incredibly powerful jaws; each of their canines are nearly 3 inches long!

14. Sharks have multiple sets of razor-sharp teeth that they use to tear apart their prey.

15. Giraffes have molars on the top and bottom of their mouth with flat surfaces that help them grind down plant matter before swallowing it.

16. Rats have orange-colored incisors that never stop growing throughout their lifetime, which is why they continuously need to chew on hard materials such as wood or plastic to keep their teeth trimmed.

17. Rabbits have two sets of teeth, 24 incisors at the front and 16 molars in the back.

18. Snakes have up to 500 razor-sharp teeth in their mouths that are used for capturing and eating prey.

19. Humans possess 20 primary teeth which begin to appear between 6-12 months old and then another set of 32 permanent adult teeth that come in around the age of 6 or 7 years old.

20. Bats have sharp canine teeth for puncturing fruit and small insects such as mosquitoes or flies, as well as flat molars for crushing them up before swallowing them whole.

21. Ducks have a combination of both short pointed beaks and longer flat beaks which they use to catch both small prey and larger animals such as frogs or fish.

22. Seagulls have sharp hooked beaks which they use to tear apart their food before swallowing it whole.

23. Lizards have sharp pointed teeth for catching insects, as well as wide molars for crushing them up before eating.

24. Squirrels have four large incisors at the front of their mouth which are used for cutting through tough nuts and seeds.

25. Owls have razor-sharp talons on their feet and curved sharp beaks for tearing apart their prey before consumption!

BONUS: 26. Parrots have beaks that are specially adapted for cracking open nuts and seeds, as well as sharp tongue-like organs for catching insects.

From the sperm whale with its massive teeth to the kangaroo rat with ever-growing incisors, from the hippo’s strong teeth capable of crushing bones in one bite to the seagull’s hooked beak designed for tearing apart prey, teeth and beaks come in all shapes and sizes. Each species has adapted its dental structure over time in order to survive in their specific environment. Whether you’re looking at a giant elephant or a tiny mouse, the variety of mammal teeth on display is truly amazing!

Want to learn more? Visit your favorite dentists near Waretown!